Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 680

Received: 18/11/2016

Respondent: Mr & Mrs M & J Hill

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Codicote development (general): Green Belt, infrastructure, traffic, impact on character of village, impact on wellbeing of residents

Full text:

We would like to make our views known as to the Local Plan put forward by NHDC and specifically as regards Codicote expansion.

[...] We have good local knowledge from both professional and personnel levels.

Objections to the Local Plan as published.

We are NOT nimbys and fully support house construction in appropriate areas. We actually support the Plan as regards areas in Codicote such as Garden Centre/brown field development on the grounds that we need to do something and do it soon.

Codicote is a tightly knit village with a reliance on everyone having an interdependence within the community as well as family, the expansion seen already by transforming a high percentage of the High Street and other areas from mixed business to residential has already taken a toll on the very nature of the village but more importantly the infrastructure is now at a point where it fails on a regular basis.
If we build up to 250 new homes on predominantly Green belt sites (which appears to contradict the Government's published plans) the pressure on the emergency services, schools, hospitals (which are slowly crumbling under the weight of numbers attending) as well as the obvious road population increases will have a permanent negative impact on the area and the wellbeing of the residents.

Given the need we so clearly have would not a totally new Garden City/Town such as those we lead the world in constructing last centuary, be the better answer?
There are several brown field sites I can think of in Hertfordshire that would be obvious choices, Henlow Camp is a good example as would any of the ex military or industrial sites. Green Belt usage is both against current environmental thinking and a stated Government policy.

I could list many other arguments to avoid Green Belt exploitation but am sure you will already have heard them all many times over.

Having read in detail the Local Plan we confirm our opposition to it as regards the section where Green Belt is consumed.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

CD2 Codicote Garden Centre, High Street

Representation ID: 3586

Received: 18/11/2016

Respondent: Mr & Mrs M & J Hill

Representation Summary:

Support CD2: Support use of Garden Centre / brownfield development

Full text:

We would like to make our views known as to the Local Plan put forward by NHDC and specifically as regards Codicote expansion.

[...] We have good local knowledge from both professional and personnel levels.

Objections to the Local Plan as published.

We are NOT nimbys and fully support house construction in appropriate areas. We actually support the Plan as regards areas in Codicote such as Garden Centre/brown field development on the grounds that we need to do something and do it soon.

Codicote is a tightly knit village with a reliance on everyone having an interdependence within the community as well as family, the expansion seen already by transforming a high percentage of the High Street and other areas from mixed business to residential has already taken a toll on the very nature of the village but more importantly the infrastructure is now at a point where it fails on a regular basis.
If we build up to 250 new homes on predominantly Green belt sites (which appears to contradict the Government's published plans) the pressure on the emergency services, schools, hospitals (which are slowly crumbling under the weight of numbers attending) as well as the obvious road population increases will have a permanent negative impact on the area and the wellbeing of the residents.

Given the need we so clearly have would not a totally new Garden City/Town such as those we lead the world in constructing last centuary, be the better answer?
There are several brown field sites I can think of in Hertfordshire that would be obvious choices, Henlow Camp is a good example as would any of the ex military or industrial sites. Green Belt usage is both against current environmental thinking and a stated Government policy.

I could list many other arguments to avoid Green Belt exploitation but am sure you will already have heard them all many times over.

Having read in detail the Local Plan we confirm our opposition to it as regards the section where Green Belt is consumed.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP8: Housing

Representation ID: 3587

Received: 18/11/2016

Respondent: Mr & Mrs M & J Hill

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to housing strategy (general): Green Belt, new Garden City / Town a better solution

Full text:

We would like to make our views known as to the Local Plan put forward by NHDC and specifically as regards Codicote expansion.

[...] We have good local knowledge from both professional and personnel levels.

Objections to the Local Plan as published.

We are NOT nimbys and fully support house construction in appropriate areas. We actually support the Plan as regards areas in Codicote such as Garden Centre/brown field development on the grounds that we need to do something and do it soon.

Codicote is a tightly knit village with a reliance on everyone having an interdependence within the community as well as family, the expansion seen already by transforming a high percentage of the High Street and other areas from mixed business to residential has already taken a toll on the very nature of the village but more importantly the infrastructure is now at a point where it fails on a regular basis.
If we build up to 250 new homes on predominantly Green belt sites (which appears to contradict the Government's published plans) the pressure on the emergency services, schools, hospitals (which are slowly crumbling under the weight of numbers attending) as well as the obvious road population increases will have a permanent negative impact on the area and the wellbeing of the residents.

Given the need we so clearly have would not a totally new Garden City/Town such as those we lead the world in constructing last centuary, be the better answer?
There are several brown field sites I can think of in Hertfordshire that would be obvious choices, Henlow Camp is a good example as would any of the ex military or industrial sites. Green Belt usage is both against current environmental thinking and a stated Government policy.

I could list many other arguments to avoid Green Belt exploitation but am sure you will already have heard them all many times over.

Having read in detail the Local Plan we confirm our opposition to it as regards the section where Green Belt is consumed.

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