Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP14: Site BA1 - North of Baldock
Representation ID: 798
Received: 19/11/2016
Respondent: Ms S Birch
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to BA1: drainage, competition for jobs, traffic, infrastructure (schools, doctors, sewerage), loss of countryside / agricultural land, homes will not meet local needs, pollution
I am writing to object specifically to the proposal to build 2,800 new houses on the land North of Baldock The following concerns are not in any order of importance and highlight the strength of my objections 1/ Has any one considered the impact of yet more concreting over of land with roads , car parks and houses with gardens increasingly paved for cars This land needs to be able to drain away the increasing heavy rainfall and floods climate change is continuing to cause 2/ Competition for jobs in the local area 3/ It is also my opinion more traffic will add to an already long wait at peak times at the traffic lights in Baldock and any future surrounding roundabouts needed to control a further 5,000 cars in the neighbour hood 4/ An increase of up to 8,000 people living in the area will overload existing schools , doctors ' surgeries , sewerage and take away an area of peaceful and beautiful countryside 5/ The new houses will not serve the local population because house prices will be aimed at maximum council tax rates from executive style houses These will attract better off residents living in London who can afford to pay more than the locals This will then inflate existing house prices in the wider area making it even harder for the young and also the less well off to buy their own homes If council tax charges then rise it could even push out the existing population , those who are already 'Just About Managing ' those who are the increasing number of JAMS demographically 6/ If the proposed development goes ahead there will be one ALMIGHTY JAM ..... Extra traffic , Overloaded services , Polluted air and light and noise , all in our precious countryside
Thank you for reading my comments .I have been a resident of North Herts for over 40 years . I should hate to see the loss of valuable farming which you should be preserving as such to feed future generations .
I trust the accumulated evidence from all who are against the Proposal will cause it to be abandoned and thrown out
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
AS1 Land west of Claybush Road
Representation ID: 2109
Received: 25/11/2016
Respondent: Ms S Birch
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to AS1:
- Poor consultation
- Greenfield site
- Neighbourhood Plan
- Dwelling type and village needs
- Affordable housing
- Flood risk
I am a longstanding resident of Ashwell and I strongly denounce and object to the development on Claybush Rd of 33 houses . I am one of the 343 residents who in September of this year wrote to you objecting to the proposal
There has been no consultation with Ashwell residents on the move to extend the settlement boundary of the village What is happening to the due process of our democratic voice ?
The site is a greenfield site and Ashwell has already shown in the Neighbourhood Plan more suitable sites and the type of development required to satisfy required needs ie smaller units in a more suitable location The council is also to be condemned for ignoring the experts' evidence which contradicts the suitability of site AS1 for a new development .
To build large executive style houses on this site contradicts the needs already identified by the views of residents that there is a shortage of smaller dwellings for the young Also the older villagers could free up the larger properties they occupy and are wanting to down size Can we have some common sense applied to this problem and have the actual requirements of the village addressed please ? If you must cover more open land with concrete and cause more flooding at least build something useful and affordable