Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 634

Received: 20/11/2016

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D M Pentecost

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objection relating to Barkway on the grounds of:
- no infrastructure: shops
- transport: increase in cars, speeding, parking on High Street, safety
- heritage of the village
- only one primary school: traffic impact
- limited public transport, would need to be increased leading to increased traffic and impact on public resources
- impact on countryside, bridal paths and walks
- wildlife and habitat
- job opportunities, commuting, traffic
- impact on village life, community spirit
- landscape

Full text:

1) There is no infrastructure in terms of shops. There is not one shop in Barkway apart from a hairdressing salon and this would mean hundreds of more cars on the village roads. The village is having a real problem with speeding motorists and with no real parking in the high street so cars park on both sides this issue is a real safety problem
2) The village dates back in history and most houses reflect that period, a modern new housing development would not be in keeping and be detrimental to the existing area
3) There is only one primary school in the village so any child not at this school again increases road traffic early morning and late afternoon
4) There is only a limited public transport route, this would have to be greatly increased to cater for the number of people, again making roads heavy with traffic and a drain on public resources
5) The area is an area of natural countryside with bridal paths and walks, this would be impacted greatly with the loss to wildlife and habitat. This type of area must be protected not destroyed by over development
6) There is hardly any job opportunities in the village. Where will everyone work?? Again the need for a car or two. Again village roads heavy with traffic.

As a local resident I cannot stress strongly enough the impact this housing development would have on village life, community spirit, and day to day living of the local residents. I feel that there must be more suitable sites to develop on without destroying the landscape of Barkway.

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