Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
SP2 Land beween Horn Hill and Bendish Lane, Whitwell
Representation ID: 1367
Received: 21/11/2016
Respondent: Mr Alex Turner
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to SP2: Impact on open countryside, not required for housing, no sequential approach to flood risk, conflict with NHDC evidence, late inclusion in plan, unsustainable location, reliance on private transport, refusal of planning permission, visual impact of SUDs, views of local community and planning committee ignored, lack of sewerage capacity, change of status since preferred options, no opportunity for community views
I am writing to you in relation to the proposed development in Whitwell - Site SP2. Please see below my reasoning. I look forward to this being considered in the appropriate way.
Object to Chapter 4, Policy SP8
1. The proposed plan to provide housing on this site will be a huge detriment of the open countryside.
2. SP2, has been added at a very late stage and should be removed as it is not needed.
3. There is no policy basis for increasing the buffer from the previously accepted 3% to 7%
Object to Chapter 4, Policy SP2
1. The plan is not sound as the evidence used to identify sustainable villages is flawed.
2. This results in isolated villages with no facilities such as a senior school and shops and very little public transport being seen as suitable for significant development.
3. In addition Whitwell is accessed by narrow lanes often requiring passing places and is already hugely congested and dangerous.
4. More evidence is needed on impact on car usage. Whitwell should be categorised as a 'B' village
Object to Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2
1. There is no need for SP2 to meet housing need. The NHDC approach is not sound. It does not comply with NPPF as no consideration has been taken of flood risk and a sequential approach has not been followed in site selection.
2. SP2 was added at a late stage with an allocation of greater than 5ha - this conflicts with NHDC evidence that large housing extensions to Whitwell could have an unacceptable visual impact due to high visual sensitivities associated with cross country views
Object to Chapter 13, site allocation SP2
1. The site has a known and identified high risk of surface water flooding as recognised in the Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. The NPPF states that development should be steered to areas with the lowest chance of flooding.
2. Site SP2 should only be considered if there is an identified need that cannot be met elsewhere with a lower probability of flooding
Object to Chapter 13, site allocation SP2
1. The proposed development is not in a sustainable location and will depend on private transport for most travel.
2. The NHDC Planning Committee on August 25 determined that required sustainable drainage (SUDS) would have unacceptable impact on the visual impact of the site and the application was refused. Alternative solutions will require underground tanks and pumps which are also not sustainable
NPPF Requirement to empower local people to shape their surroundings (Paragraph 150)
1. The Local Plan has ignored our local community. NHDC is well aware of the local feeling towards potential development on this site. The site is not needed to meet the identified housing need and yet NHDC Planners remain determined to use this site even with known objections, environmental and flooding concerns together with the visual impact on the intrinsic beauty of the countryside.
2. Thames Water state lack of sewerage capacity. The Planners even ignore their own Planning Committee who recently rejected the site for development
Object to the allocation of SP2 for housing
1. The Local Plan Preferred Option allocated the site for Green Belt. This was fully supported by the Parish Council. NHDC has provided no justification for the site no longer being categorised as Green Belt.
2. Latest figures (reduction in OAN) show that SP2 is not needed for housing. Green Belt status is also needed to mitigate for Green Belt losses elsewhere in the District where additional housing is being provided in more sustainable locations. The Local Plan pragmatically adds in late sites.
3. The submission has not given the Parish Council or villagers the opportunity to be empowered and ignored their wishes for SP2 to remain Green Belt
For the reasons above I/we consider that SP2 should be removed from the 2011 - 2031 Local Plan
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP2: Settlement Hierarchy
Representation ID: 4527
Received: 21/11/2016
Respondent: Mr Alex Turner
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to SP2 (Whitwell): Evidence base for identification of villages is flawed, isolated villages receiving significant development, Whitwell hugely congested and dangerous access
I am writing to you in relation to the proposed development in Whitwell - Site SP2. Please see below my reasoning. I look forward to this being considered in the appropriate way.
Object to Chapter 4, Policy SP8
1. The proposed plan to provide housing on this site will be a huge detriment of the open countryside.
2. SP2, has been added at a very late stage and should be removed as it is not needed.
3. There is no policy basis for increasing the buffer from the previously accepted 3% to 7%
Object to Chapter 4, Policy SP2
1. The plan is not sound as the evidence used to identify sustainable villages is flawed.
2. This results in isolated villages with no facilities such as a senior school and shops and very little public transport being seen as suitable for significant development.
3. In addition Whitwell is accessed by narrow lanes often requiring passing places and is already hugely congested and dangerous.
4. More evidence is needed on impact on car usage. Whitwell should be categorised as a 'B' village
Object to Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2
1. There is no need for SP2 to meet housing need. The NHDC approach is not sound. It does not comply with NPPF as no consideration has been taken of flood risk and a sequential approach has not been followed in site selection.
2. SP2 was added at a late stage with an allocation of greater than 5ha - this conflicts with NHDC evidence that large housing extensions to Whitwell could have an unacceptable visual impact due to high visual sensitivities associated with cross country views
Object to Chapter 13, site allocation SP2
1. The site has a known and identified high risk of surface water flooding as recognised in the Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. The NPPF states that development should be steered to areas with the lowest chance of flooding.
2. Site SP2 should only be considered if there is an identified need that cannot be met elsewhere with a lower probability of flooding
Object to Chapter 13, site allocation SP2
1. The proposed development is not in a sustainable location and will depend on private transport for most travel.
2. The NHDC Planning Committee on August 25 determined that required sustainable drainage (SUDS) would have unacceptable impact on the visual impact of the site and the application was refused. Alternative solutions will require underground tanks and pumps which are also not sustainable
NPPF Requirement to empower local people to shape their surroundings (Paragraph 150)
1. The Local Plan has ignored our local community. NHDC is well aware of the local feeling towards potential development on this site. The site is not needed to meet the identified housing need and yet NHDC Planners remain determined to use this site even with known objections, environmental and flooding concerns together with the visual impact on the intrinsic beauty of the countryside.
2. Thames Water state lack of sewerage capacity. The Planners even ignore their own Planning Committee who recently rejected the site for development
Object to the allocation of SP2 for housing
1. The Local Plan Preferred Option allocated the site for Green Belt. This was fully supported by the Parish Council. NHDC has provided no justification for the site no longer being categorised as Green Belt.
2. Latest figures (reduction in OAN) show that SP2 is not needed for housing. Green Belt status is also needed to mitigate for Green Belt losses elsewhere in the District where additional housing is being provided in more sustainable locations. The Local Plan pragmatically adds in late sites.
3. The submission has not given the Parish Council or villagers the opportunity to be empowered and ignored their wishes for SP2 to remain Green Belt
For the reasons above I/we consider that SP2 should be removed from the 2011 - 2031 Local Plan
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP8: Housing
Representation ID: 4528
Received: 21/11/2016
Respondent: Mr Alex Turner
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to SP8: No policy basis to increase buffer to 7%. Sites added at a very late stage.
I am writing to you in relation to the proposed development in Whitwell - Site SP2. Please see below my reasoning. I look forward to this being considered in the appropriate way.
Object to Chapter 4, Policy SP8
1. The proposed plan to provide housing on this site will be a huge detriment of the open countryside.
2. SP2, has been added at a very late stage and should be removed as it is not needed.
3. There is no policy basis for increasing the buffer from the previously accepted 3% to 7%
Object to Chapter 4, Policy SP2
1. The plan is not sound as the evidence used to identify sustainable villages is flawed.
2. This results in isolated villages with no facilities such as a senior school and shops and very little public transport being seen as suitable for significant development.
3. In addition Whitwell is accessed by narrow lanes often requiring passing places and is already hugely congested and dangerous.
4. More evidence is needed on impact on car usage. Whitwell should be categorised as a 'B' village
Object to Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2
1. There is no need for SP2 to meet housing need. The NHDC approach is not sound. It does not comply with NPPF as no consideration has been taken of flood risk and a sequential approach has not been followed in site selection.
2. SP2 was added at a late stage with an allocation of greater than 5ha - this conflicts with NHDC evidence that large housing extensions to Whitwell could have an unacceptable visual impact due to high visual sensitivities associated with cross country views
Object to Chapter 13, site allocation SP2
1. The site has a known and identified high risk of surface water flooding as recognised in the Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. The NPPF states that development should be steered to areas with the lowest chance of flooding.
2. Site SP2 should only be considered if there is an identified need that cannot be met elsewhere with a lower probability of flooding
Object to Chapter 13, site allocation SP2
1. The proposed development is not in a sustainable location and will depend on private transport for most travel.
2. The NHDC Planning Committee on August 25 determined that required sustainable drainage (SUDS) would have unacceptable impact on the visual impact of the site and the application was refused. Alternative solutions will require underground tanks and pumps which are also not sustainable
NPPF Requirement to empower local people to shape their surroundings (Paragraph 150)
1. The Local Plan has ignored our local community. NHDC is well aware of the local feeling towards potential development on this site. The site is not needed to meet the identified housing need and yet NHDC Planners remain determined to use this site even with known objections, environmental and flooding concerns together with the visual impact on the intrinsic beauty of the countryside.
2. Thames Water state lack of sewerage capacity. The Planners even ignore their own Planning Committee who recently rejected the site for development
Object to the allocation of SP2 for housing
1. The Local Plan Preferred Option allocated the site for Green Belt. This was fully supported by the Parish Council. NHDC has provided no justification for the site no longer being categorised as Green Belt.
2. Latest figures (reduction in OAN) show that SP2 is not needed for housing. Green Belt status is also needed to mitigate for Green Belt losses elsewhere in the District where additional housing is being provided in more sustainable locations. The Local Plan pragmatically adds in late sites.
3. The submission has not given the Parish Council or villagers the opportunity to be empowered and ignored their wishes for SP2 to remain Green Belt
For the reasons above I/we consider that SP2 should be removed from the 2011 - 2031 Local Plan