Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

CD1 Land south of Cowards Lane

Representation ID: 1885

Received: 22/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Sarah Plain

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objections to CD1: Public transport, Highway safety and infrastructure, parking facilities, key community services, public rights of way

Full text:

NHDC Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Section Four - Communities
* Codicote(13.77)
* * CD1 Land south of Cowards Lane
* * CD2 Codicote Garden Centre, High Street
* * CD3 Land north of The Close
* * CD5 Land south of Heath Lane
Objections are as follows:
The proposed sites are all on Green Belt land and there are no 'exceptional circumstances' that warrant building on them. As our local M.P. Stephen McPartland states " the local plan is not positively prepared, justified, effective or consistent with national policy". He suggests consideration should be given to a new Garden City. It is not justifiable for Codicote to lose so much recreational space i.e the open countryside. Our local NHDC Councillor for Codicote Jane Gray is also "not in favour of the plan" and states that there should be an "urgent attempt to establish a new settlement in the District". Why has this not been considered by NHDC? This would save the character of so many villages being destroyed in North Hertfordshire.
Codicote does not have the infrastructure to cope with more houses. There is a poor bus service and no train station, therefore people need to use cars to travel in and out of the village. The roads are clogged with parked cars and over run with commuters using the B656 as an alternative route to the A1M. Other roads that allow access to the village, are simple, narrow, country roads. There is no Doctors Surgery in Codicote and getting an appointment at neighbouring Doctors is difficult. What improvements to services are planned to cope with all the new patients? We regularly get power cuts and breaks in Broadband service, what plans are there to cope with the extra draw on power and services?
Parking for the current school is not sufficient, with local residents experiencing blocked drives and difficulty accessing their properties. This situation will get worse if the school is expanded. How will the issue of parking for the School, be addressed? There is no more capacity in the roads surrounding the school. St Albans road near the school is notoriously dangerous for school children to cross, due to the parked cars and HGV lorries that travel up and down the road, to the Quarry. (Reducing the number of lorries has been, so far, unsuccessful by campaigners). A bigger school can only mean more parked cars and more children walking to school on this dangerous road. It is also not sustainable to create a larger school, as there as there is no expansion planned for the local secondary school. The proposed school site has a footpath running through it, how can you have a footpath through a school site? (ref 13.77 CD5 "sensitive incorporation of existing rights of way")
Please consider all the above objections to this plan.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

CD2 Codicote Garden Centre, High Street

Representation ID: 1886

Received: 22/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Sarah Plain

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objections to CD2: Public transport, Highway safety and infrastructure, parking facilities, key community services, public rights of way

Full text:

NHDC Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Section Four - Communities
* Codicote(13.77)
* * CD1 Land south of Cowards Lane
* * CD2 Codicote Garden Centre, High Street
* * CD3 Land north of The Close
* * CD5 Land south of Heath Lane
Objections are as follows:
The proposed sites are all on Green Belt land and there are no 'exceptional circumstances' that warrant building on them. As our local M.P. Stephen McPartland states " the local plan is not positively prepared, justified, effective or consistent with national policy". He suggests consideration should be given to a new Garden City. It is not justifiable for Codicote to lose so much recreational space i.e the open countryside. Our local NHDC Councillor for Codicote Jane Gray is also "not in favour of the plan" and states that there should be an "urgent attempt to establish a new settlement in the District". Why has this not been considered by NHDC? This would save the character of so many villages being destroyed in North Hertfordshire.
Codicote does not have the infrastructure to cope with more houses. There is a poor bus service and no train station, therefore people need to use cars to travel in and out of the village. The roads are clogged with parked cars and over run with commuters using the B656 as an alternative route to the A1M. Other roads that allow access to the village, are simple, narrow, country roads. There is no Doctors Surgery in Codicote and getting an appointment at neighbouring Doctors is difficult. What improvements to services are planned to cope with all the new patients? We regularly get power cuts and breaks in Broadband service, what plans are there to cope with the extra draw on power and services?
Parking for the current school is not sufficient, with local residents experiencing blocked drives and difficulty accessing their properties. This situation will get worse if the school is expanded. How will the issue of parking for the School, be addressed? There is no more capacity in the roads surrounding the school. St Albans road near the school is notoriously dangerous for school children to cross, due to the parked cars and HGV lorries that travel up and down the road, to the Quarry. (Reducing the number of lorries has been, so far, unsuccessful by campaigners). A bigger school can only mean more parked cars and more children walking to school on this dangerous road. It is also not sustainable to create a larger school, as there as there is no expansion planned for the local secondary school. The proposed school site has a footpath running through it, how can you have a footpath through a school site? (ref 13.77 CD5 "sensitive incorporation of existing rights of way")
Please consider all the above objections to this plan.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

CD3 Land north of The Close

Representation ID: 1887

Received: 22/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Sarah Plain

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objections to CD3: Public transport, Highway safety and infrastructure, parking facilities, key community services, public rights of way

Full text:

NHDC Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Section Four - Communities
* Codicote(13.77)
* * CD1 Land south of Cowards Lane
* * CD2 Codicote Garden Centre, High Street
* * CD3 Land north of The Close
* * CD5 Land south of Heath Lane
Objections are as follows:
The proposed sites are all on Green Belt land and there are no 'exceptional circumstances' that warrant building on them. As our local M.P. Stephen McPartland states " the local plan is not positively prepared, justified, effective or consistent with national policy". He suggests consideration should be given to a new Garden City. It is not justifiable for Codicote to lose so much recreational space i.e the open countryside. Our local NHDC Councillor for Codicote Jane Gray is also "not in favour of the plan" and states that there should be an "urgent attempt to establish a new settlement in the District". Why has this not been considered by NHDC? This would save the character of so many villages being destroyed in North Hertfordshire.
Codicote does not have the infrastructure to cope with more houses. There is a poor bus service and no train station, therefore people need to use cars to travel in and out of the village. The roads are clogged with parked cars and over run with commuters using the B656 as an alternative route to the A1M. Other roads that allow access to the village, are simple, narrow, country roads. There is no Doctors Surgery in Codicote and getting an appointment at neighbouring Doctors is difficult. What improvements to services are planned to cope with all the new patients? We regularly get power cuts and breaks in Broadband service, what plans are there to cope with the extra draw on power and services?
Parking for the current school is not sufficient, with local residents experiencing blocked drives and difficulty accessing their properties. This situation will get worse if the school is expanded. How will the issue of parking for the School, be addressed? There is no more capacity in the roads surrounding the school. St Albans road near the school is notoriously dangerous for school children to cross, due to the parked cars and HGV lorries that travel up and down the road, to the Quarry. (Reducing the number of lorries has been, so far, unsuccessful by campaigners). A bigger school can only mean more parked cars and more children walking to school on this dangerous road. It is also not sustainable to create a larger school, as there as there is no expansion planned for the local secondary school. The proposed school site has a footpath running through it, how can you have a footpath through a school site? (ref 13.77 CD5 "sensitive incorporation of existing rights of way")
Please consider all the above objections to this plan.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

CD5 Land south of Heath Lane

Representation ID: 1888

Received: 22/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Sarah Plain

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objections to CD5: Public transport, Highway safety and infrastructure, parking facilities, key community services, public rights of way.

Full text:

NHDC Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Section Four - Communities
* Codicote(13.77)
* * CD1 Land south of Cowards Lane
* * CD2 Codicote Garden Centre, High Street
* * CD3 Land north of The Close
* * CD5 Land south of Heath Lane
Objections are as follows:
The proposed sites are all on Green Belt land and there are no 'exceptional circumstances' that warrant building on them. As our local M.P. Stephen McPartland states " the local plan is not positively prepared, justified, effective or consistent with national policy". He suggests consideration should be given to a new Garden City. It is not justifiable for Codicote to lose so much recreational space i.e the open countryside. Our local NHDC Councillor for Codicote Jane Gray is also "not in favour of the plan" and states that there should be an "urgent attempt to establish a new settlement in the District". Why has this not been considered by NHDC? This would save the character of so many villages being destroyed in North Hertfordshire.
Codicote does not have the infrastructure to cope with more houses. There is a poor bus service and no train station, therefore people need to use cars to travel in and out of the village. The roads are clogged with parked cars and over run with commuters using the B656 as an alternative route to the A1M. Other roads that allow access to the village, are simple, narrow, country roads. There is no Doctors Surgery in Codicote and getting an appointment at neighbouring Doctors is difficult. What improvements to services are planned to cope with all the new patients? We regularly get power cuts and breaks in Broadband service, what plans are there to cope with the extra draw on power and services?
Parking for the current school is not sufficient, with local residents experiencing blocked drives and difficulty accessing their properties. This situation will get worse if the school is expanded. How will the issue of parking for the School, be addressed? There is no more capacity in the roads surrounding the school. St Albans road near the school is notoriously dangerous for school children to cross, due to the parked cars and HGV lorries that travel up and down the road, to the Quarry. (Reducing the number of lorries has been, so far, unsuccessful by campaigners). A bigger school can only mean more parked cars and more children walking to school on this dangerous road. It is also not sustainable to create a larger school, as there as there is no expansion planned for the local secondary school. The proposed school site has a footpath running through it, how can you have a footpath through a school site? (ref 13.77 CD5 "sensitive incorporation of existing rights of way")
Please consider all the above objections to this plan.

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