Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

WY1 Land south of Little Wymondley

Representation ID: 456

Received: 17/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Craig Bacon

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Consideration for additional traffic onto the A602 Wymondley Bypass and through Great Wymondley.
Include a village hall.
Determine impact on wildlife.
Safe children's play areas, green space and gardens.
Replanting trees
Affordable and/or social housing with provision for people from the parish
Restriction on the height of properties
Super fast broadband

Full text:

Additional consideration needs to be made on the additional traffic onto the A602 Wymondley Bypass. The A1(M) junction 8 roundabout is grid locked at peak times and the addition of further traffic from the new housing needs to be allowed for, especially in conjunction with the plans for development from Stevenage around the junction. Also the Ashbrook junction with the A602 is hard to join the A602 when leaving Wymondley, as such traffic goes through Great Wymondley to enter Hitchin. Great Wymondley has a protected planning status, but the historic buildings will be impacted by the additional traffic.
There has been a long term local campaign to provide a village hall in Little Wymondley. The additional housing adds to this requirement further and provision should be made to include this in the plans.
No provision is mentioned for the planned development area to determine the impact of removing the Green Belt land on wildlife.
Further provision should be included for safe children's play areas and significant green space and gardens in keeping with a village setting. Whilst the plan includes provision for keep some existing trees, a 1 for 1 replanting scheme should be included to replace trees that are removed since significant areas of the development area are currently wooded. This will aid with countering air pollution and maintain a village character.
The plan does not state that the development should offer affordable and/or social housing, including housing being made available for people who have grown up in the parish. Housing should also include properties suitable for retired people from the parish, particularly those with mobility requirements.
Provision should be included that properties should not be more than 3 stories high, to keep in with the character of the existing properties.
Additional provision needs to allow for installation of super fast broadband, since the current infrastructure cannot cope with the demands of the current village.

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