Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy NE5: New and improved public open space and biodiversity
Representation ID: 470
Received: 18/11/2016
Respondent: BALGA
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
No extra allotment provision is planned. Our estimate is that 130 new allotments will be required in Baldock by 2031. Herts County Council have suitable land to expand 2 Baldock allotment sites to meet this demand, but funding will be required.
Allotment Provision in Baldock
In the NHDC Local Plan 2011 - 2031 it states in Paragraph 11.28 that the Council has an Allotments Action Plan (AAP), and in paragraph 11.30 that "No new allotment sites are designated in this plan. However, the Council will require appropriate contributions towards allotment provision given the demand for allotment space". The current version of the AAP does not address the demand for allotments in Baldock.
In paragraph 13.15 the population of Baldock in the 2011 Census is given as 10,280 people in 4,491 dwellings. BALGA manages the 2 largest allotment sites in Baldock for NHDC, and has currently 185 tenanted allotments, and 19 untenanted allotments. The Local Plan requires 3136 extra dwellings to be built in Baldock up to 2031. By simple mathematics Baldock currently requires 41 allotments per thousand dwellings. Hence by 2031 the 3136 new dwellings could generate a demand for some 130 extra allotments, and we have available only 19!
If the Allotment Action Plan is updated, will this be taken into account? Since the AAP is for only 5 years, is it of any help alongside The Local Plan period of 2011 to 2031? It seems unlikely if no new allotment sites are planned!
BALGA has some undeveloped allotment land at North Road site, which could provide some 15 extra plots. However, Herts County Council owns a field adjacent to the North Road allotment site, currently used as set-aside, which could provide a further 60 plots if leased to BALGA. Also Herts County Council own the land to the west of Clothall Road Allotment site, and BALGA have previously discussed with them the lease of land to add a further 30 plots. However, BALGA would need significant capital to develop these areas as allotments, as they would need to be fenced and ploughed, and supplied with water. Paragraph 11.30 suggests that CIL could be used for this, if allotment provision is included in development funding (which is not currently allowed for by NHDC in its Section 106 provision). Is it a reasonable supposition that NHDC would provide funding, and Herts County Council would be willing to lease this land to BALGA?
Can the provision of Allotments in Baldock be directly addressed in the next version of the Allotment Action Plan?
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP14: Site BA1 - North of Baldock
Representation ID: 569
Received: 18/11/2016
Respondent: BALGA
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Additional allotment provision required in Baldock to accommodate additional demand from proposed development.
Allotment Provision in Baldock
In the NHDC Local Plan 2011 - 2031 it states in Paragraph 11.28 that the Council has an Allotments Action Plan (AAP), and in paragraph 11.30 that "No new allotment sites are designated in this plan. However, the Council will require appropriate contributions towards allotment provision given the demand for allotment space". The current version of the AAP does not address the demand for allotments in Baldock.
In paragraph 13.15 the population of Baldock in the 2011 Census is given as 10,280 people in 4,491 dwellings. BALGA manages the 2 largest allotment sites in Baldock for NHDC, and has currently 185 tenanted allotments, and 19 untenanted allotments. The Local Plan requires 3136 extra dwellings to be built in Baldock up to 2031. By simple mathematics Baldock currently requires 41 allotments per thousand dwellings. Hence by 2031 the 3136 new dwellings could generate a demand for some 130 extra allotments, and we have available only 19!
If the Allotment Action Plan is updated, will this be taken into account? Since the AAP is for only 5 years, is it of any help alongside The Local Plan period of 2011 to 2031? It seems unlikely if no new allotment sites are planned!
BALGA has some undeveloped allotment land at North Road site, which could provide some 15 extra plots. However, Herts County Council owns a field adjacent to the North Road allotment site, currently used as set-aside, which could provide a further 60 plots if leased to BALGA. Also Herts County Council own the land to the west of Clothall Road Allotment site, and BALGA have previously discussed with them the lease of land to add a further 30 plots. However, BALGA would need significant capital to develop these areas as allotments, as they would need to be fenced and ploughed, and supplied with water. Paragraph 11.30 suggests that CIL could be used for this, if allotment provision is included in development funding (which is not currently allowed for by NHDC in its Section 106 provision). Is it a reasonable supposition that NHDC would provide funding, and Herts County Council would be willing to lease this land to BALGA?
Can the provision of Allotments in Baldock be directly addressed in the next version of the Allotment Action Plan?