Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
IC1 Land at Duncots Close
Representation ID: 1893
Received: 22/11/2016
Respondent: Helen Rowe
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to IC1:
- Building on Green Belt land
- Conflicts with the NPPF
- Conflicts with NHDC objectives on Green Belt
- Sewerage and Flooding
- Air quality
- Increased traffic
- Relocation of Ickleford School
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
As a resident of Ickleford, I would like to express my concerns about sites IC1, IC2, IC3 and LS1.
1) Building on Green Belt land
In relation to sites IC1, IC2 and IC3, I believe that the Local Plan to be "Not Sound" for the following reasons:
*It conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework
*It conflicts with NHDC objectives on Green Belt
2) Sewerage and Flooding
Regarding sites IC1 and IC3, I think the Local Plan is also "Not Sound", because:
*Evidence shows that the man sewer cannot even cope with current demand -- so IC1 and IC3 will only add to this burden
*It conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments
3) Air quality
For all four of these sites, I believe the Local Plan is "Not Sound" for the following reason:
*Increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality
4) Relocation of Ickleford School
With regard to site IC3, the Local Plan is "Not Sound" for this reason:
*The consequent impact on the village conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages
*The existing school, Ickleford Primary School, was buildt in 1848, and the front part of the school is a Grade 2 listed building
I hope you will take these concerns into consideration.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
IC2 Burford Grange, Bedford Road
Representation ID: 1894
Received: 22/11/2016
Respondent: Helen Rowe
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to IC2:
- Building on Green Belt land
- Conflicts with the NPPF
- Conflicts with NHDC objectives on Green Belt
- Sewerage and Flooding
- Air quality
- Increased traffic
- Relocation of Ickleford School
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
As a resident of Ickleford, I would like to express my concerns about sites IC1, IC2, IC3 and LS1.
1) Building on Green Belt land
In relation to sites IC1, IC2 and IC3, I believe that the Local Plan to be "Not Sound" for the following reasons:
*It conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework
*It conflicts with NHDC objectives on Green Belt
2) Sewerage and Flooding
Regarding sites IC1 and IC3, I think the Local Plan is also "Not Sound", because:
*Evidence shows that the man sewer cannot even cope with current demand -- so IC1 and IC3 will only add to this burden
*It conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments
3) Air quality
For all four of these sites, I believe the Local Plan is "Not Sound" for the following reason:
*Increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality
4) Relocation of Ickleford School
With regard to site IC3, the Local Plan is "Not Sound" for this reason:
*The consequent impact on the village conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages
*The existing school, Ickleford Primary School, was buildt in 1848, and the front part of the school is a Grade 2 listed building
I hope you will take these concerns into consideration.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
IC3 Land at Bedford Road
Representation ID: 1895
Received: 22/11/2016
Respondent: Helen Rowe
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to IC3:
- Building on Green Belt land
- Conflicts with the NPPF
- Conflicts with NHDC objectives on Green Belt
- Sewerage and Flooding
- Air quality
- Increased traffic
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Relocation of Ickleford School
- Conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages
- Heritage assets and conservation
As a resident of Ickleford, I would like to express my concerns about sites IC1, IC2, IC3 and LS1.
1) Building on Green Belt land
In relation to sites IC1, IC2 and IC3, I believe that the Local Plan to be "Not Sound" for the following reasons:
*It conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework
*It conflicts with NHDC objectives on Green Belt
2) Sewerage and Flooding
Regarding sites IC1 and IC3, I think the Local Plan is also "Not Sound", because:
*Evidence shows that the man sewer cannot even cope with current demand -- so IC1 and IC3 will only add to this burden
*It conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments
3) Air quality
For all four of these sites, I believe the Local Plan is "Not Sound" for the following reason:
*Increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality
4) Relocation of Ickleford School
With regard to site IC3, the Local Plan is "Not Sound" for this reason:
*The consequent impact on the village conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages
*The existing school, Ickleford Primary School, was buildt in 1848, and the front part of the school is a Grade 2 listed building
I hope you will take these concerns into consideration.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
LS1 Land at Bedford Road
Representation ID: 5588
Received: 22/11/2016
Respondent: Helen Rowe
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to LS1:
- Sewerage and Flooding
- Air quality
- Increased traffic
- Relocation of Ickleford School
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
As a resident of Ickleford, I would like to express my concerns about sites IC1, IC2, IC3 and LS1.
1) Building on Green Belt land
In relation to sites IC1, IC2 and IC3, I believe that the Local Plan to be "Not Sound" for the following reasons:
*It conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework
*It conflicts with NHDC objectives on Green Belt
2) Sewerage and Flooding
Regarding sites IC1 and IC3, I think the Local Plan is also "Not Sound", because:
*Evidence shows that the man sewer cannot even cope with current demand -- so IC1 and IC3 will only add to this burden
*It conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments
3) Air quality
For all four of these sites, I believe the Local Plan is "Not Sound" for the following reason:
*Increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality
4) Relocation of Ickleford School
With regard to site IC3, the Local Plan is "Not Sound" for this reason:
*The consequent impact on the village conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages
*The existing school, Ickleford Primary School, was buildt in 1848, and the front part of the school is a Grade 2 listed building
I hope you will take these concerns into consideration.