Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Representation ID: 240
Received: 08/11/2016
Respondent: Mrs Sarah Brinsden
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to development at Knebworth (general): Infrastructure (traffic, secondary education, library, doctors), pollution, pedestrian safety
I would like to register my concerns with reference to Knebworth. I am concerned that the level of extra housing proposed has not adequately been supported by an infrastructure plan.
There is already concerns regarding traffic through the village; pollution levels. Each evening there is a high level of single lane traffic trying to get through the village, trying to bypass the inadequate A1. Living here for one year I have seen many near misses with pedestrians on the road trying to access the village amenities, both the elderly from the new McCarthy and Stone property and children attending the local primary.
I understand their is a proposal for a new primary school site but none for secondary or nursery placements. I can only imagine this means more secondary aged children on coaches also trying to get through the village for pick ups or children trying to get on already congested trains. Linked to this the library provision to allow children to extend their learning.
Having left St Albans where I was able to get an appointment with in a week myself and my husband are now having to wait 3 weeks for appointments. I do not see any plans for added surgeries therefore what will happen to residents needing care. There has just been a retirement community built and I understand their are plans for another. I can only imagine how these vulnerable people will get to appointments having to rely on local buses to get them to hospital appointments etc.