Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP14: Site BA1 - North of Baldock

Representation ID: 597

Received: 22/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Julie Pedersen

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Object to SP14: Congestion increase into Baldock, Infrastructure not sufficient, Detrimental to unique nature of town

Full text:

This development proposal does not fully allow for the increase of traffic going into Baldock on a daily basis. The road into Baldock is already choked at peak times. Despite the land for new Road links I believe that the roads will become increasingly congested and dangerous for pedestrians.

Although there is a plan for additional infrastructure there is no clear plan. If the current schools are to be expanded this will not work in my opinion as they are already a capacity. Parents are already disappointed with school choices and this will get worse not better with this proposal.

The centre of Baldock is unique and the increase in housing would be detrimental to the town. Adding lots of modern housing would detract from the historic nature and individuality of the town.

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