Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP18: Site GA2 - Land off Mendip Way, Great Ashby

Representation ID: 2523

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Ken Wing

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP18 - GA2:
- Housing assessment
- School capacity and locations
- Building on the Green Built
- Brexit
- Brownfield sites
- Landscape Character
- Biodiversity and wildlife
- Bridleways
- Cycle facilities
- Equestrian centres
- Safety and crime
- Community infrastructure and health facilities
- Highway infrastructure and access
- Noise and light pollution
- Pedestrian safety

Full text:

My Objections to the Proposed GA2 Development

Although this is generated by NHDC, it will greatly affect Stevenage and Great Ashby in particular.
The figures on which this development is based is flawed. Generally predicted calculations from HCC and Central government are incorrect, remember 1989 when many schools in Hertfordshire were to be closed as the predicted population was falling. Schools included Willian, in Letchworth, which was closed, Collenswood in Stevenage, The Sele school in Hertford, both saved from closure, plus schools in Harpenden and St. Albans, incidentally, all chosen schools were on Green Belt land. We now know that the population has risen. So, are these figures flawed as well?
All derived figures were calculated prior to Brexit, therefore, before raping valuable Green Belt Land, let's see the effects on the population, after Brexit occurs.
The number of people on Stevenage and North Herts Council waiting list are circa 4000, the number of people in rent arrears is double that. Careful management of these debts could free up many houses again reducing the need for house building.

Before developing Green Belt Land, have any Brownfield sites been looked at?

I want to change the local Plan and wish to be involved in the Examination


1. This is Green Belt Land, frequented by various valuable and endangered species of wildlife, including Bats, Red Kite, Deer, Hedgehogs and many others. For Green Belt Land to change should only be considered in exceptional circumstances, this development does not meet that criterion. The development would have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the surrounding area. It would devastate local flora and fauna, see above.
Green Belts are a buffer between towns, and town and countryside. Within their boundaries, damaged and derelict land can be improved and nature conservation is encouraged, see above. The ever-increasing pressure on land for more roads, housing and airport expansion means that it is vital to protect the Green Belts that we have. Over 800 hectares a year of this land is disappearing under new developments.
Stevenage has many problems, however, two very positive things about Steveange are the closeness to beautiful countryside walks, plus as mentioned above, the varied wildlife.

1. This site is frequented by horses and riders from the two nearby equestrian centres, it is crossed by several footpaths including the Hertfordshire Way, and STOOP, The Stevenage Outer Orbital path as well as used by cyclists as part of a cycle network. Many people join or leave the walks here using the SB7 bus. Any building work and subsequent development is likely to cause hazards to these cyclists, riders and walkers, many with children. A bridleway crosses at the intersection of Bray Drive and Mendip Way, which is very popular with the riders from the equestrian centres.

1. This is a serious safety and security issue. My road has had no recorded incidents of crime, increasing the population would increase the risk of crime.

2. The infrastructure cannot cope with further development, The Lister hospital is at breaking point, particularly A & E and the MacMillan Cancer Centre. The staff are over worked and under intense stress. There are insufficient school places and teachers. All GP surgeries are oversubscribed and as such it is so difficult getting appointments. As Stevenage has an ever increasing elderly population as well as the two large retirement homes opening in the Old Town, again this is increasing the pressure on the Lister and GPs.

3. Concerns that the access roads and particularly the pathways represent a serious security risk to surrounding properties, where to date there has been no significant crime as well as a danger to pedestrians crossing Mendip Way and Great Ashby Way, where parking is a serious issue. Also there is great difficulty passing these footpaths for mobility scooters, mothers with prams due to the lack of parking spaces.

4. This building on open land would change the tranquil nature of the meadow into an urban extension with its associated noise and light pollution.

5. Increased traffic would make it more hazardous for children walking to local schools.

6. There are no schools in easy walking distance, therefore this will greatly increase traffic in the local area, in particular Mendip Way and Great Ashby Way. Getting out of Orwell Avenue on to Great Ashby Way is difficult now, an extra 1000+ cars will greatly increase the traffic flow, plus increase the risk of accidents.

7. 25% will be affordable homes, that leaves 600 homes that will be purchased by people from outside of the town, generally from Hertford, Ware, Hoddesdon and from within the M25. People can move house but rarely move the place of employment, this will add extra traffic on the A602 and A1M. These are already exceptionally busy roads now, an increase of traffic will mean increased risk of accidents of which there are 2 serious accidents a week now.

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