Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

4 Strategic Policies

Representation ID: 4182

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

Support with comments:
- arts, culture and heritage be included as a key Strategic Priority in the Local Plan: regeneration, cohesive communities, change perceptions, economic draw to an area, character, sense of place, appea, health, well-being and quality of life
- natural landscapes improve the quality of life for residents
- archaeological heritage is exceptional, should be cherished

Full text:

Culture and the Local Plan
I would argue that arts, culture and heritage be included as a key Strategic Priority in the North Herts. Local Plan. In recent years culture, arts and sport have been widely used to drive regeneration, build cohesive communities and change the way that places are perceived.
Arts Council England and the Department of Culture Media & Sport are both currently promoting the role culture has in building stronger, healthier and more cohesive communities. A good cultural life is an economic draw to an area; 'Culture Drives Growth' is the title of the East's Cultural Strategy 2016 -2022.
Our history, culture and heritage contribute significantly to the character, sense of place and appeal of North Herts.; it is what makes this district special. The new North Herts. Museum in Hitchin; the Broadway Gallery, Theatre and Cinema in Letchworth; the Queen Mother Theatre and the Benslow Music Trust in Hitchin; the North Herts. Leisure Centre in Letchworth are all examples of the excellent and improving cultural facilities we have in the District. Our natural landscapes play a significant role in improving the quality of life for residents, and the archaeological heritage of the District is exceptional, and should be cherished.
The North Herts. Museum Service engages with communities of all kinds and all ages throughout the District. Once the new museum is open it will do even more to ensure that heritage and culture is embedded in the daily life of residents and visitors, improving their health and well-being, and adding to their quality of life. I hope that the Local Plan will recognise the importance of culture and heritage to this area.

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