Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
AS1 Land west of Claybush Road
Representation ID: 2647
Received: 30/11/2016
Respondent: Mrs Marcia Taylor
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object on the following grounds:
pedestrian and vehicle safety;
neighbourhood plan survey shows that there is a need for affordable housing for young families and older people but the site would be difficult for these groups to access services;
setting of the historic Arbury Banks; and
other sites which have been put forward should be considered.
I am writing to you to register my objection to the part of the above Local Plan consultation which includes extending the Ashwell village boundary to include the Claybush Road site (site AS1) for development.
My reasons for objecting are as follows:
1. The site AS1 has been investigated by the Traffic section and has been failed on the grounds that access to/from the site both for pedestrians and vehicles is not safe .
2. The Neighbourhood Draft plan for Ashwell shows the results of a housing requirement survey when all the village was consulted, that the type of housing required is affordable housing for young families and suitable housing for older people. Both of these groups of people would find it hard to access both the school and the rest of the village ( for shopping and access of facilities such as Medical services) as site AS1 only has pedestrian access via a busy road or a pathway via steps. Both of these are unsafe and difficult to negotiate for the groups concerned.
3. Site AS1 fails to meet the criteria set to protect Historic environment, in this case a scheduled ancient monument of Arbury Banks this monument is protected by NPPF and NHDC policies.
4. Other sites have been put forward for alternative development and these have not been considered or put out for consultation to the local people. These other sites would be more suitable for the type of housing required as indicated by the village population and would have safer vehicular and pedestrian access.
I would like to suggest that the NHDC Planning reconsider the development plans for Ashwell and to consider these alternative sites as being more suitable for needs of the community.