Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP17: Site HT1 - Highover Farm, Hitchin
Representation ID: 754
Received: 23/11/2016
Respondent: Mr M Short
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Object to SP17: Access, traffic, impact on existing residents, pollution arising from congestion
The main access is to be Stotfold Road which is a series of very steep hills which must make a suitable access point difficult to identify and dangerous to traffic flow. The traffic coming down the Stotfold Road to access Hitchin/Stevenage/Luton in the morning to join the busy A505 during rush hour already leads to extensive tailbacks. The effect of this makes householders on the Rosehill Estate bordering both roads virtual prisoners during these periods. We queue to get out of our estate for work, or GP appointments etc.Hitchin is accessed by A505 and is busy all day. These roads are very slow moving and at times little more than a car park. The Estate is a rat run to cut off the junction and emerge further down the A505. The drivers using the shortcut often drive at speeds incompatible with the built up area. These issues will be exacerbated by this new estate unless and until NHDC/HCC do something to alleviate tailbacks on A505. Add in the development on Walsworth Cross Road at the site of the old N Herts College with hundreds more potential vehicles swelling the A505 and I struggle to find an appropriate single descriptive word. Polluted mayhem in a snail paced traffic jam on inadequate roads - would be a starter.