Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP8: Housing

Representation ID: 2157

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Ruth Foggo

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP8: Disproportionate allocation to Baldock

Full text:

I am writing this email in response to the NHDC Local Plan
Consultation to express my concerns and objections on the proposed
plan. My comments and concerns are as follows:

1. Spatial Strategy - On review of the proposed Local Plan, the
percentage of proposed housing to and around the small historic town
of Baldock is extremely high. Based on the current size of Baldock,
the proposal to build 3290 new homes will double the size of this
historic town. Baldock has a thriving community as it stands which
would be hugely impacted on with this number of properties. Based on
an average of 3 to 4 people per property, this would equate to between
9,870 to 13,160 additional residents of Baldock, which in turn has further implications as I will identify below.

2. The number of proposed residents if we use the above average (which
could potentially be 4 or more depending on the number of bedroom
spaces proposed for each development), will have an impact on the current town centre of Baldock.
Baldock is a small town with limited parking. The high street has a
good historic feel to it with the St. Mary's church at the end of the high street.
The parking on the high street of Baldock already is insufficient,
with the number of people visiting Baldock during the day and evening
exceeding the number of parking spaces, which proves difficult to park when you need too.
With the proposed number of new residents, Baldock town will be choked.

3. Under Policy SP6 - Sustainable transport. The proposal is already
at risk of being flawed. The current rail network company (Govia) are
proposing to reduce the number of trains stopping at Baldock Station.
The current Baldock station platform is at the limit, the number of
passengers boarding the train during peak times is already large and
virtually fills the train. As a commuter, I have noticed that as soon
as the train reaches Letchworth station (being the next stop from
Baldock), there is insufficient seats or space for commuters from
Hitchin, Stevenage and the following stops. The proposed number of new
residents in Baldock will consist of a majority of commuters moving to
the countryside with good links to London. This will mean the trains
will be overcrowded to a point where the trains are unable to function
safely. This in turn will cause a loss in revenue for companies due to
the number of people that will not arrive to work on time. It has become clear that NHDC have not been in consultation with Network Rail or Govia in relation to the proposals.
This was confirm via the Save Baldock Trains petition, when a local MP
discussed the proposals with Govia, which they knew nothing about the
proposed over development of Baldock.

4. The proposed new development is to include a new surgery. Currently
Baldock Surgery has over 12,000 Baldock residents registered, The
proposed new surgery would have to be part of the first phase to be
constructed to enable the practice to be set up sufficiently to
accommodate the proposed number of residents. The surgery would have
to be of a substantial size similar to Baldock Surgery. One concern
here is whether the surgery is able to employ the number of doctors
and medical staff to accommodate the extremely high number of
residents proposed. I believe our country is struggling to find the number of doctors required to run a doctors practice sufficiently.

5. SP11 - Natural Resources & Sustainability - Areas BA3, BA4 and BA5
were prone to flooding prior to the A505 Baldock Bypass being
constructed. The ditch alongside the Old Wallington Road used to
Flood. There was numerous remedial works that had to be carried out to area BA4 after the bypass was constructed.
The Land within Baldock is made up of chalk.

6. SP14 BA1 site North of Baldock - This is the largest area proposed
to construct housing, retail and schools. The proposal for a new link
road between the A1 and the A505 would not work. Has Network Rail been
consulted on this proposal, has Herts County Council actually reviewed
the level change to create a link road, if they have, then the proposal should be issued for public view.
From our understanding at consultation meetings, the proposed bypass
is proposed as a single carriageway road. This will only shift the
traffic jam onto the new road. Before any development on Baldock takes
place the following needs to be constructed:
i) - The proposed new bypass from A1 to A505 needs to be a dual
ii) - The A1 to A505 bypass would need to be extended to the A10. The
traffic running through Baldock not only goes to the A505, but a huge
number of traffic and HGV vehicles cut through Baldock and Cottered to
reach the A10. The number of potential residents and traffic that will
take this route may cause the road to the A10 to be gridlocked. The
road through Cottered has not even been considered during the
consultation period. This will have a substantial impact on Cottered,
Walkern and Buntingford. This needs to form part of the consultation,
a traffic assessment needs to be carried out on the Cottered / Buntingford Road o ascertain the traffic levels now prior to any development.
iii) - We understand from media reports that the A1 is subject to
being widened to 3 lanes. This is a good thing, but needs to be
completed before any construction takes place in Baldock. The A1 would
need to be widened from the Baldock Services all the way to Welwyn
where it has already been widened to 3 lanes. As it currently stands,
the A1 is gridlocked between Baldock and Welwyn on a daily basis
during rush hours (6am until at least 9:30am and 3:30pm until 7pm).
This would ease congestion substantially before any works take place
in Baldock which may ease the level of traffic trying to go through Baldock slightly.

Infrastructure - Drainage and risk of flooding. With the number of
houses proposed, the local plan mentions a provision of Sustainable
Urban Drainage Systems will be required. The number of houses proposed
will have a dramatic impact on SUDS. The houses would produce
approximately 105 litres of water per day each (based on Code for
Sustainable Homes values). This will impact on the current drainage
system and potential create a higher risk of flooding over a
15 - 30 year period. The drainage infrastructure would need
substantial improvements to accommodate the number of proposed
properties. This needs consultation with the water authority.

If you have any queries, please let me know.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 5982

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Ruth Foggo

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Baldock (general): Impact on character of existing town, parking, traffic, planned reduction in rail capacity, flooding, drainage infrastructure capacity, A1(M) widening required prior to development

Full text:

I am writing this email in response to the NHDC Local Plan
Consultation to express my concerns and objections on the proposed
plan. My comments and concerns are as follows:

1. Spatial Strategy - On review of the proposed Local Plan, the
percentage of proposed housing to and around the small historic town
of Baldock is extremely high. Based on the current size of Baldock,
the proposal to build 3290 new homes will double the size of this
historic town. Baldock has a thriving community as it stands which
would be hugely impacted on with this number of properties. Based on
an average of 3 to 4 people per property, this would equate to between
9,870 to 13,160 additional residents of Baldock, which in turn has further implications as I will identify below.

2. The number of proposed residents if we use the above average (which
could potentially be 4 or more depending on the number of bedroom
spaces proposed for each development), will have an impact on the current town centre of Baldock.
Baldock is a small town with limited parking. The high street has a
good historic feel to it with the St. Mary's church at the end of the high street.
The parking on the high street of Baldock already is insufficient,
with the number of people visiting Baldock during the day and evening
exceeding the number of parking spaces, which proves difficult to park when you need too.
With the proposed number of new residents, Baldock town will be choked.

3. Under Policy SP6 - Sustainable transport. The proposal is already
at risk of being flawed. The current rail network company (Govia) are
proposing to reduce the number of trains stopping at Baldock Station.
The current Baldock station platform is at the limit, the number of
passengers boarding the train during peak times is already large and
virtually fills the train. As a commuter, I have noticed that as soon
as the train reaches Letchworth station (being the next stop from
Baldock), there is insufficient seats or space for commuters from
Hitchin, Stevenage and the following stops. The proposed number of new
residents in Baldock will consist of a majority of commuters moving to
the countryside with good links to London. This will mean the trains
will be overcrowded to a point where the trains are unable to function
safely. This in turn will cause a loss in revenue for companies due to
the number of people that will not arrive to work on time. It has become clear that NHDC have not been in consultation with Network Rail or Govia in relation to the proposals.
This was confirm via the Save Baldock Trains petition, when a local MP
discussed the proposals with Govia, which they knew nothing about the
proposed over development of Baldock.

4. The proposed new development is to include a new surgery. Currently
Baldock Surgery has over 12,000 Baldock residents registered, The
proposed new surgery would have to be part of the first phase to be
constructed to enable the practice to be set up sufficiently to
accommodate the proposed number of residents. The surgery would have
to be of a substantial size similar to Baldock Surgery. One concern
here is whether the surgery is able to employ the number of doctors
and medical staff to accommodate the extremely high number of
residents proposed. I believe our country is struggling to find the number of doctors required to run a doctors practice sufficiently.

5. SP11 - Natural Resources & Sustainability - Areas BA3, BA4 and BA5
were prone to flooding prior to the A505 Baldock Bypass being
constructed. The ditch alongside the Old Wallington Road used to
Flood. There was numerous remedial works that had to be carried out to area BA4 after the bypass was constructed.
The Land within Baldock is made up of chalk.

6. SP14 BA1 site North of Baldock - This is the largest area proposed
to construct housing, retail and schools. The proposal for a new link
road between the A1 and the A505 would not work. Has Network Rail been
consulted on this proposal, has Herts County Council actually reviewed
the level change to create a link road, if they have, then the proposal should be issued for public view.
From our understanding at consultation meetings, the proposed bypass
is proposed as a single carriageway road. This will only shift the
traffic jam onto the new road. Before any development on Baldock takes
place the following needs to be constructed:
i) - The proposed new bypass from A1 to A505 needs to be a dual
ii) - The A1 to A505 bypass would need to be extended to the A10. The
traffic running through Baldock not only goes to the A505, but a huge
number of traffic and HGV vehicles cut through Baldock and Cottered to
reach the A10. The number of potential residents and traffic that will
take this route may cause the road to the A10 to be gridlocked. The
road through Cottered has not even been considered during the
consultation period. This will have a substantial impact on Cottered,
Walkern and Buntingford. This needs to form part of the consultation,
a traffic assessment needs to be carried out on the Cottered / Buntingford Road o ascertain the traffic levels now prior to any development.
iii) - We understand from media reports that the A1 is subject to
being widened to 3 lanes. This is a good thing, but needs to be
completed before any construction takes place in Baldock. The A1 would
need to be widened from the Baldock Services all the way to Welwyn
where it has already been widened to 3 lanes. As it currently stands,
the A1 is gridlocked between Baldock and Welwyn on a daily basis
during rush hours (6am until at least 9:30am and 3:30pm until 7pm).
This would ease congestion substantially before any works take place
in Baldock which may ease the level of traffic trying to go through Baldock slightly.

Infrastructure - Drainage and risk of flooding. With the number of
houses proposed, the local plan mentions a provision of Sustainable
Urban Drainage Systems will be required. The number of houses proposed
will have a dramatic impact on SUDS. The houses would produce
approximately 105 litres of water per day each (based on Code for
Sustainable Homes values). This will impact on the current drainage
system and potential create a higher risk of flooding over a
15 - 30 year period. The drainage infrastructure would need
substantial improvements to accommodate the number of proposed
properties. This needs consultation with the water authority.

If you have any queries, please let me know.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

BA3 Land south of Clothall Common

Representation ID: 5983

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Ruth Foggo

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to BA3: Flooding

Full text:

I am writing this email in response to the NHDC Local Plan
Consultation to express my concerns and objections on the proposed
plan. My comments and concerns are as follows:

1. Spatial Strategy - On review of the proposed Local Plan, the
percentage of proposed housing to and around the small historic town
of Baldock is extremely high. Based on the current size of Baldock,
the proposal to build 3290 new homes will double the size of this
historic town. Baldock has a thriving community as it stands which
would be hugely impacted on with this number of properties. Based on
an average of 3 to 4 people per property, this would equate to between
9,870 to 13,160 additional residents of Baldock, which in turn has further implications as I will identify below.

2. The number of proposed residents if we use the above average (which
could potentially be 4 or more depending on the number of bedroom
spaces proposed for each development), will have an impact on the current town centre of Baldock.
Baldock is a small town with limited parking. The high street has a
good historic feel to it with the St. Mary's church at the end of the high street.
The parking on the high street of Baldock already is insufficient,
with the number of people visiting Baldock during the day and evening
exceeding the number of parking spaces, which proves difficult to park when you need too.
With the proposed number of new residents, Baldock town will be choked.

3. Under Policy SP6 - Sustainable transport. The proposal is already
at risk of being flawed. The current rail network company (Govia) are
proposing to reduce the number of trains stopping at Baldock Station.
The current Baldock station platform is at the limit, the number of
passengers boarding the train during peak times is already large and
virtually fills the train. As a commuter, I have noticed that as soon
as the train reaches Letchworth station (being the next stop from
Baldock), there is insufficient seats or space for commuters from
Hitchin, Stevenage and the following stops. The proposed number of new
residents in Baldock will consist of a majority of commuters moving to
the countryside with good links to London. This will mean the trains
will be overcrowded to a point where the trains are unable to function
safely. This in turn will cause a loss in revenue for companies due to
the number of people that will not arrive to work on time. It has become clear that NHDC have not been in consultation with Network Rail or Govia in relation to the proposals.
This was confirm via the Save Baldock Trains petition, when a local MP
discussed the proposals with Govia, which they knew nothing about the
proposed over development of Baldock.

4. The proposed new development is to include a new surgery. Currently
Baldock Surgery has over 12,000 Baldock residents registered, The
proposed new surgery would have to be part of the first phase to be
constructed to enable the practice to be set up sufficiently to
accommodate the proposed number of residents. The surgery would have
to be of a substantial size similar to Baldock Surgery. One concern
here is whether the surgery is able to employ the number of doctors
and medical staff to accommodate the extremely high number of
residents proposed. I believe our country is struggling to find the number of doctors required to run a doctors practice sufficiently.

5. SP11 - Natural Resources & Sustainability - Areas BA3, BA4 and BA5
were prone to flooding prior to the A505 Baldock Bypass being
constructed. The ditch alongside the Old Wallington Road used to
Flood. There was numerous remedial works that had to be carried out to area BA4 after the bypass was constructed.
The Land within Baldock is made up of chalk.

6. SP14 BA1 site North of Baldock - This is the largest area proposed
to construct housing, retail and schools. The proposal for a new link
road between the A1 and the A505 would not work. Has Network Rail been
consulted on this proposal, has Herts County Council actually reviewed
the level change to create a link road, if they have, then the proposal should be issued for public view.
From our understanding at consultation meetings, the proposed bypass
is proposed as a single carriageway road. This will only shift the
traffic jam onto the new road. Before any development on Baldock takes
place the following needs to be constructed:
i) - The proposed new bypass from A1 to A505 needs to be a dual
ii) - The A1 to A505 bypass would need to be extended to the A10. The
traffic running through Baldock not only goes to the A505, but a huge
number of traffic and HGV vehicles cut through Baldock and Cottered to
reach the A10. The number of potential residents and traffic that will
take this route may cause the road to the A10 to be gridlocked. The
road through Cottered has not even been considered during the
consultation period. This will have a substantial impact on Cottered,
Walkern and Buntingford. This needs to form part of the consultation,
a traffic assessment needs to be carried out on the Cottered / Buntingford Road o ascertain the traffic levels now prior to any development.
iii) - We understand from media reports that the A1 is subject to
being widened to 3 lanes. This is a good thing, but needs to be
completed before any construction takes place in Baldock. The A1 would
need to be widened from the Baldock Services all the way to Welwyn
where it has already been widened to 3 lanes. As it currently stands,
the A1 is gridlocked between Baldock and Welwyn on a daily basis
during rush hours (6am until at least 9:30am and 3:30pm until 7pm).
This would ease congestion substantially before any works take place
in Baldock which may ease the level of traffic trying to go through Baldock slightly.

Infrastructure - Drainage and risk of flooding. With the number of
houses proposed, the local plan mentions a provision of Sustainable
Urban Drainage Systems will be required. The number of houses proposed
will have a dramatic impact on SUDS. The houses would produce
approximately 105 litres of water per day each (based on Code for
Sustainable Homes values). This will impact on the current drainage
system and potential create a higher risk of flooding over a
15 - 30 year period. The drainage infrastructure would need
substantial improvements to accommodate the number of proposed
properties. This needs consultation with the water authority.

If you have any queries, please let me know.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

BA4 Land east of Clothall Common

Representation ID: 5984

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Ruth Foggo

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to BA4: Flooding

Full text:

I am writing this email in response to the NHDC Local Plan
Consultation to express my concerns and objections on the proposed
plan. My comments and concerns are as follows:

1. Spatial Strategy - On review of the proposed Local Plan, the
percentage of proposed housing to and around the small historic town
of Baldock is extremely high. Based on the current size of Baldock,
the proposal to build 3290 new homes will double the size of this
historic town. Baldock has a thriving community as it stands which
would be hugely impacted on with this number of properties. Based on
an average of 3 to 4 people per property, this would equate to between
9,870 to 13,160 additional residents of Baldock, which in turn has further implications as I will identify below.

2. The number of proposed residents if we use the above average (which
could potentially be 4 or more depending on the number of bedroom
spaces proposed for each development), will have an impact on the current town centre of Baldock.
Baldock is a small town with limited parking. The high street has a
good historic feel to it with the St. Mary's church at the end of the high street.
The parking on the high street of Baldock already is insufficient,
with the number of people visiting Baldock during the day and evening
exceeding the number of parking spaces, which proves difficult to park when you need too.
With the proposed number of new residents, Baldock town will be choked.

3. Under Policy SP6 - Sustainable transport. The proposal is already
at risk of being flawed. The current rail network company (Govia) are
proposing to reduce the number of trains stopping at Baldock Station.
The current Baldock station platform is at the limit, the number of
passengers boarding the train during peak times is already large and
virtually fills the train. As a commuter, I have noticed that as soon
as the train reaches Letchworth station (being the next stop from
Baldock), there is insufficient seats or space for commuters from
Hitchin, Stevenage and the following stops. The proposed number of new
residents in Baldock will consist of a majority of commuters moving to
the countryside with good links to London. This will mean the trains
will be overcrowded to a point where the trains are unable to function
safely. This in turn will cause a loss in revenue for companies due to
the number of people that will not arrive to work on time. It has become clear that NHDC have not been in consultation with Network Rail or Govia in relation to the proposals.
This was confirm via the Save Baldock Trains petition, when a local MP
discussed the proposals with Govia, which they knew nothing about the
proposed over development of Baldock.

4. The proposed new development is to include a new surgery. Currently
Baldock Surgery has over 12,000 Baldock residents registered, The
proposed new surgery would have to be part of the first phase to be
constructed to enable the practice to be set up sufficiently to
accommodate the proposed number of residents. The surgery would have
to be of a substantial size similar to Baldock Surgery. One concern
here is whether the surgery is able to employ the number of doctors
and medical staff to accommodate the extremely high number of
residents proposed. I believe our country is struggling to find the number of doctors required to run a doctors practice sufficiently.

5. SP11 - Natural Resources & Sustainability - Areas BA3, BA4 and BA5
were prone to flooding prior to the A505 Baldock Bypass being
constructed. The ditch alongside the Old Wallington Road used to
Flood. There was numerous remedial works that had to be carried out to area BA4 after the bypass was constructed.
The Land within Baldock is made up of chalk.

6. SP14 BA1 site North of Baldock - This is the largest area proposed
to construct housing, retail and schools. The proposal for a new link
road between the A1 and the A505 would not work. Has Network Rail been
consulted on this proposal, has Herts County Council actually reviewed
the level change to create a link road, if they have, then the proposal should be issued for public view.
From our understanding at consultation meetings, the proposed bypass
is proposed as a single carriageway road. This will only shift the
traffic jam onto the new road. Before any development on Baldock takes
place the following needs to be constructed:
i) - The proposed new bypass from A1 to A505 needs to be a dual
ii) - The A1 to A505 bypass would need to be extended to the A10. The
traffic running through Baldock not only goes to the A505, but a huge
number of traffic and HGV vehicles cut through Baldock and Cottered to
reach the A10. The number of potential residents and traffic that will
take this route may cause the road to the A10 to be gridlocked. The
road through Cottered has not even been considered during the
consultation period. This will have a substantial impact on Cottered,
Walkern and Buntingford. This needs to form part of the consultation,
a traffic assessment needs to be carried out on the Cottered / Buntingford Road o ascertain the traffic levels now prior to any development.
iii) - We understand from media reports that the A1 is subject to
being widened to 3 lanes. This is a good thing, but needs to be
completed before any construction takes place in Baldock. The A1 would
need to be widened from the Baldock Services all the way to Welwyn
where it has already been widened to 3 lanes. As it currently stands,
the A1 is gridlocked between Baldock and Welwyn on a daily basis
during rush hours (6am until at least 9:30am and 3:30pm until 7pm).
This would ease congestion substantially before any works take place
in Baldock which may ease the level of traffic trying to go through Baldock slightly.

Infrastructure - Drainage and risk of flooding. With the number of
houses proposed, the local plan mentions a provision of Sustainable
Urban Drainage Systems will be required. The number of houses proposed
will have a dramatic impact on SUDS. The houses would produce
approximately 105 litres of water per day each (based on Code for
Sustainable Homes values). This will impact on the current drainage
system and potential create a higher risk of flooding over a
15 - 30 year period. The drainage infrastructure would need
substantial improvements to accommodate the number of proposed
properties. This needs consultation with the water authority.

If you have any queries, please let me know.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

BA5 Land off Yeomanry Drive

Representation ID: 5985

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Ruth Foggo

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to BA5: Flooding

Full text:

I am writing this email in response to the NHDC Local Plan
Consultation to express my concerns and objections on the proposed
plan. My comments and concerns are as follows:

1. Spatial Strategy - On review of the proposed Local Plan, the
percentage of proposed housing to and around the small historic town
of Baldock is extremely high. Based on the current size of Baldock,
the proposal to build 3290 new homes will double the size of this
historic town. Baldock has a thriving community as it stands which
would be hugely impacted on with this number of properties. Based on
an average of 3 to 4 people per property, this would equate to between
9,870 to 13,160 additional residents of Baldock, which in turn has further implications as I will identify below.

2. The number of proposed residents if we use the above average (which
could potentially be 4 or more depending on the number of bedroom
spaces proposed for each development), will have an impact on the current town centre of Baldock.
Baldock is a small town with limited parking. The high street has a
good historic feel to it with the St. Mary's church at the end of the high street.
The parking on the high street of Baldock already is insufficient,
with the number of people visiting Baldock during the day and evening
exceeding the number of parking spaces, which proves difficult to park when you need too.
With the proposed number of new residents, Baldock town will be choked.

3. Under Policy SP6 - Sustainable transport. The proposal is already
at risk of being flawed. The current rail network company (Govia) are
proposing to reduce the number of trains stopping at Baldock Station.
The current Baldock station platform is at the limit, the number of
passengers boarding the train during peak times is already large and
virtually fills the train. As a commuter, I have noticed that as soon
as the train reaches Letchworth station (being the next stop from
Baldock), there is insufficient seats or space for commuters from
Hitchin, Stevenage and the following stops. The proposed number of new
residents in Baldock will consist of a majority of commuters moving to
the countryside with good links to London. This will mean the trains
will be overcrowded to a point where the trains are unable to function
safely. This in turn will cause a loss in revenue for companies due to
the number of people that will not arrive to work on time. It has become clear that NHDC have not been in consultation with Network Rail or Govia in relation to the proposals.
This was confirm via the Save Baldock Trains petition, when a local MP
discussed the proposals with Govia, which they knew nothing about the
proposed over development of Baldock.

4. The proposed new development is to include a new surgery. Currently
Baldock Surgery has over 12,000 Baldock residents registered, The
proposed new surgery would have to be part of the first phase to be
constructed to enable the practice to be set up sufficiently to
accommodate the proposed number of residents. The surgery would have
to be of a substantial size similar to Baldock Surgery. One concern
here is whether the surgery is able to employ the number of doctors
and medical staff to accommodate the extremely high number of
residents proposed. I believe our country is struggling to find the number of doctors required to run a doctors practice sufficiently.

5. SP11 - Natural Resources & Sustainability - Areas BA3, BA4 and BA5
were prone to flooding prior to the A505 Baldock Bypass being
constructed. The ditch alongside the Old Wallington Road used to
Flood. There was numerous remedial works that had to be carried out to area BA4 after the bypass was constructed.
The Land within Baldock is made up of chalk.

6. SP14 BA1 site North of Baldock - This is the largest area proposed
to construct housing, retail and schools. The proposal for a new link
road between the A1 and the A505 would not work. Has Network Rail been
consulted on this proposal, has Herts County Council actually reviewed
the level change to create a link road, if they have, then the proposal should be issued for public view.
From our understanding at consultation meetings, the proposed bypass
is proposed as a single carriageway road. This will only shift the
traffic jam onto the new road. Before any development on Baldock takes
place the following needs to be constructed:
i) - The proposed new bypass from A1 to A505 needs to be a dual
ii) - The A1 to A505 bypass would need to be extended to the A10. The
traffic running through Baldock not only goes to the A505, but a huge
number of traffic and HGV vehicles cut through Baldock and Cottered to
reach the A10. The number of potential residents and traffic that will
take this route may cause the road to the A10 to be gridlocked. The
road through Cottered has not even been considered during the
consultation period. This will have a substantial impact on Cottered,
Walkern and Buntingford. This needs to form part of the consultation,
a traffic assessment needs to be carried out on the Cottered / Buntingford Road o ascertain the traffic levels now prior to any development.
iii) - We understand from media reports that the A1 is subject to
being widened to 3 lanes. This is a good thing, but needs to be
completed before any construction takes place in Baldock. The A1 would
need to be widened from the Baldock Services all the way to Welwyn
where it has already been widened to 3 lanes. As it currently stands,
the A1 is gridlocked between Baldock and Welwyn on a daily basis
during rush hours (6am until at least 9:30am and 3:30pm until 7pm).
This would ease congestion substantially before any works take place
in Baldock which may ease the level of traffic trying to go through Baldock slightly.

Infrastructure - Drainage and risk of flooding. With the number of
houses proposed, the local plan mentions a provision of Sustainable
Urban Drainage Systems will be required. The number of houses proposed
will have a dramatic impact on SUDS. The houses would produce
approximately 105 litres of water per day each (based on Code for
Sustainable Homes values). This will impact on the current drainage
system and potential create a higher risk of flooding over a
15 - 30 year period. The drainage infrastructure would need
substantial improvements to accommodate the number of proposed
properties. This needs consultation with the water authority.

If you have any queries, please let me know.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP14: Site BA1 - North of Baldock

Representation ID: 5986

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Ruth Foggo

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP14: Early implementation of GP surgery required, link road proposals inadequate

Full text:

I am writing this email in response to the NHDC Local Plan
Consultation to express my concerns and objections on the proposed
plan. My comments and concerns are as follows:

1. Spatial Strategy - On review of the proposed Local Plan, the
percentage of proposed housing to and around the small historic town
of Baldock is extremely high. Based on the current size of Baldock,
the proposal to build 3290 new homes will double the size of this
historic town. Baldock has a thriving community as it stands which
would be hugely impacted on with this number of properties. Based on
an average of 3 to 4 people per property, this would equate to between
9,870 to 13,160 additional residents of Baldock, which in turn has further implications as I will identify below.

2. The number of proposed residents if we use the above average (which
could potentially be 4 or more depending on the number of bedroom
spaces proposed for each development), will have an impact on the current town centre of Baldock.
Baldock is a small town with limited parking. The high street has a
good historic feel to it with the St. Mary's church at the end of the high street.
The parking on the high street of Baldock already is insufficient,
with the number of people visiting Baldock during the day and evening
exceeding the number of parking spaces, which proves difficult to park when you need too.
With the proposed number of new residents, Baldock town will be choked.

3. Under Policy SP6 - Sustainable transport. The proposal is already
at risk of being flawed. The current rail network company (Govia) are
proposing to reduce the number of trains stopping at Baldock Station.
The current Baldock station platform is at the limit, the number of
passengers boarding the train during peak times is already large and
virtually fills the train. As a commuter, I have noticed that as soon
as the train reaches Letchworth station (being the next stop from
Baldock), there is insufficient seats or space for commuters from
Hitchin, Stevenage and the following stops. The proposed number of new
residents in Baldock will consist of a majority of commuters moving to
the countryside with good links to London. This will mean the trains
will be overcrowded to a point where the trains are unable to function
safely. This in turn will cause a loss in revenue for companies due to
the number of people that will not arrive to work on time. It has become clear that NHDC have not been in consultation with Network Rail or Govia in relation to the proposals.
This was confirm via the Save Baldock Trains petition, when a local MP
discussed the proposals with Govia, which they knew nothing about the
proposed over development of Baldock.

4. The proposed new development is to include a new surgery. Currently
Baldock Surgery has over 12,000 Baldock residents registered, The
proposed new surgery would have to be part of the first phase to be
constructed to enable the practice to be set up sufficiently to
accommodate the proposed number of residents. The surgery would have
to be of a substantial size similar to Baldock Surgery. One concern
here is whether the surgery is able to employ the number of doctors
and medical staff to accommodate the extremely high number of
residents proposed. I believe our country is struggling to find the number of doctors required to run a doctors practice sufficiently.

5. SP11 - Natural Resources & Sustainability - Areas BA3, BA4 and BA5
were prone to flooding prior to the A505 Baldock Bypass being
constructed. The ditch alongside the Old Wallington Road used to
Flood. There was numerous remedial works that had to be carried out to area BA4 after the bypass was constructed.
The Land within Baldock is made up of chalk.

6. SP14 BA1 site North of Baldock - This is the largest area proposed
to construct housing, retail and schools. The proposal for a new link
road between the A1 and the A505 would not work. Has Network Rail been
consulted on this proposal, has Herts County Council actually reviewed
the level change to create a link road, if they have, then the proposal should be issued for public view.
From our understanding at consultation meetings, the proposed bypass
is proposed as a single carriageway road. This will only shift the
traffic jam onto the new road. Before any development on Baldock takes
place the following needs to be constructed:
i) - The proposed new bypass from A1 to A505 needs to be a dual
ii) - The A1 to A505 bypass would need to be extended to the A10. The
traffic running through Baldock not only goes to the A505, but a huge
number of traffic and HGV vehicles cut through Baldock and Cottered to
reach the A10. The number of potential residents and traffic that will
take this route may cause the road to the A10 to be gridlocked. The
road through Cottered has not even been considered during the
consultation period. This will have a substantial impact on Cottered,
Walkern and Buntingford. This needs to form part of the consultation,
a traffic assessment needs to be carried out on the Cottered / Buntingford Road o ascertain the traffic levels now prior to any development.
iii) - We understand from media reports that the A1 is subject to
being widened to 3 lanes. This is a good thing, but needs to be
completed before any construction takes place in Baldock. The A1 would
need to be widened from the Baldock Services all the way to Welwyn
where it has already been widened to 3 lanes. As it currently stands,
the A1 is gridlocked between Baldock and Welwyn on a daily basis
during rush hours (6am until at least 9:30am and 3:30pm until 7pm).
This would ease congestion substantially before any works take place
in Baldock which may ease the level of traffic trying to go through Baldock slightly.

Infrastructure - Drainage and risk of flooding. With the number of
houses proposed, the local plan mentions a provision of Sustainable
Urban Drainage Systems will be required. The number of houses proposed
will have a dramatic impact on SUDS. The houses would produce
approximately 105 litres of water per day each (based on Code for
Sustainable Homes values). This will impact on the current drainage
system and potential create a higher risk of flooding over a
15 - 30 year period. The drainage infrastructure would need
substantial improvements to accommodate the number of proposed
properties. This needs consultation with the water authority.

If you have any queries, please let me know.

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