Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP15: Site LG1 - North of Letchworth Garden City

Representation ID: 2276

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Battarbee

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objection to SP15: Site LG1:
-this amount of housing not required
-breach of both the Council's aims and objectives (with regard to transport and congestion), together with those of the original Garden City movement.
-access to both town and country
-increases in traffic (further away from the town centres/shops/stations, and number of houses)
-train consultations: proposing to reduce particular services
-infrastructure provision
-provision needs to be clear:town centre and residential parking, doctors, schools, public transport.
-empty homes in Letchworth - conversion and allocation needed
-need for housing lower than quoted in the plan

Full text:

I wish to note my objection to the housing expansion on the north of the Grange Policy SP15: Site LG1 - North of Letchworth Garden City

I do not believe this amount of housing is required, and I consider that the development is in breach of both the Council's aims and objectives (with regard to transport and congestion), together with those of the original Garden City movement. The Council is eager to promote the Garden City movement and its origins, both for academic and tourist appeal, and it must therefore honour these objectives and principles. The Garden City design was based upon a particular number of people being able to access both town and country; increasing the size of our town by too high a percentage makes this ambition impossible for residents in these new housing areas.

Any of the developments will create huge increases in traffic (both because of their location further away from the town centres/shops/stations, and because of the sheer number of houses). The council argues that it is working towards reducing traffic congestion and pollution, but these ambitions are incompatible with the proposed housing developments. Current train consultations are also proposing to reduce particular services from Letchworth to London causing more pressure and stress on those transport routes. Locally, there is a lack of reference in the proposals to crucial developments in infrastructure to cope with this influx of cars and people. Provision needs to be clear with regard to town centre and residential parking, doctors, schools, public transport.

It is my understanding that during an assessment in 2013, there were over 1000 empty homes in Letchworth. This is a waste of useable accommodation; converting and allocating these into useable accommodation would go a considerable way to solving the housing crisis. The local need for housing (in order to meet local population requirements and increases) has been independently assessed at 6000 new dwellings by 2031. Not the much greater amount quoted in the plan.

In summary, I believe greater care should be taken to ensure the correct number of houses are provided to cater for the predicted increase (rather than quick profit), and greater respect and honesty should be displayed towards the claims of the council to reduce pollution and congestion, whilst subscribing and promoting the original aims of the Garden City movement.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my representations.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP8: Housing

Representation ID: 5705

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Battarbee

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objection in relation to LG1:
-this amount of housing not required
- empty homes in Letchworth - conversion and allocation needed
- the local need for housing (in order to meet local population requirements and increases) has been independently assessed at 6000 new dwellings by 2031. Not the much greater amount quoted in the plan.

Full text:

I wish to note my objection to the housing expansion on the north of the Grange Policy SP15: Site LG1 - North of Letchworth Garden City

I do not believe this amount of housing is required, and I consider that the development is in breach of both the Council's aims and objectives (with regard to transport and congestion), together with those of the original Garden City movement. The Council is eager to promote the Garden City movement and its origins, both for academic and tourist appeal, and it must therefore honour these objectives and principles. The Garden City design was based upon a particular number of people being able to access both town and country; increasing the size of our town by too high a percentage makes this ambition impossible for residents in these new housing areas.

Any of the developments will create huge increases in traffic (both because of their location further away from the town centres/shops/stations, and because of the sheer number of houses). The council argues that it is working towards reducing traffic congestion and pollution, but these ambitions are incompatible with the proposed housing developments. Current train consultations are also proposing to reduce particular services from Letchworth to London causing more pressure and stress on those transport routes. Locally, there is a lack of reference in the proposals to crucial developments in infrastructure to cope with this influx of cars and people. Provision needs to be clear with regard to town centre and residential parking, doctors, schools, public transport.

It is my understanding that during an assessment in 2013, there were over 1000 empty homes in Letchworth. This is a waste of useable accommodation; converting and allocating these into useable accommodation would go a considerable way to solving the housing crisis. The local need for housing (in order to meet local population requirements and increases) has been independently assessed at 6000 new dwellings by 2031. Not the much greater amount quoted in the plan.

In summary, I believe greater care should be taken to ensure the correct number of houses are provided to cater for the predicted increase (rather than quick profit), and greater respect and honesty should be displayed towards the claims of the council to reduce pollution and congestion, whilst subscribing and promoting the original aims of the Garden City movement.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my representations.

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