Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Representation ID: 3699
Received: 26/11/2016
Respondent: Mrs Trudy Dungey
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to Baldock (in general):
- Historic Town
- Country side
- Air quality and pollution
- New Garden City
- Local amenities at capacity (Education, Healthcare, emergency services)
- Flood Risk
I am writing to show my support for our wonderful little historic Market Town of Baldock against the developers and NHDC who want to destroy the surrounding countryside and pollute the air further by the unfair amount of homes proposed. May I ask why Luton is mentioned when this is Hertfordshire. May I ask why keep developing is it so we can become another Stevenage with different estates and all its problems? Surely if so many homes gave to be built why can't a new town be built away from all pre existing towns? Give it its own identity and new schools, Drs surgeries etc instead of having to shuffle schools about here and we all know that facilities promised will not if ever appear leaving everyone involved worse off. Lister Hospital cannot cope now, Drs Apps are hard to get, schools are packed, Roads are getting worse and that's not just the potholes! Policing has been cut so why want to bring the possibility of 8000 or more people into area and who knows how many cars on our packed roads. We live in a Valley that any pollution collects in,flooding occurs on the fields but we have the views and the farmers have fields. Will be absolutely tragic to remove all this and make everyone else's quality of life so much worse.