Policy PNP 1 - Meeting Local Need

Showing comments and forms 1 to 13 of 13


Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 5536

Received: 05/03/2017

Respondent: Dr Davina Ross-Anderson

Representation Summary:

I agree

Full text:

I agree


Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 5845

Received: 22/03/2017

Respondent: Mrs Marilyn Parkin

Representation Summary:

Meeting local needs is most important. People love the village and stay for many years over which their housing needs change. Having the opportunity to move within the village, to up-size or down-size is important to keeping the community together.

Full text:

Meeting local needs is most important. People love the village and stay for many years over which their housing needs change. Having the opportunity to move within the village, to up-size or down-size is important to keeping the community together.


Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 5907

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Policy PNP1 outlines the criteria for residential development proposed within the Parish. However no specific sites are identified for residential development within the Neighbourhood Plan.

We would comment on any proposals for housing which include proposals for 10 or more dwellings as part of the planning application process.

Full text:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan. Please note that Anglian Water provides wastewater services to Pirton Parish. The views of Affinity Water who are responsible for water services within the Parish should also be sought on the content of the Neighbourhood Plan.

I would be grateful if you could confirm that you have received this response.

Policy PNP1: Meeting Housing Need

Policy PNP1 outlines the criteria for residential development proposed within the Parish. However no specific sites are identified for residential development within the Neighbourhood Plan.

We would comment on any proposals for housing which include proposals for 10 or more dwellings as part of the planning application process.

Policy PNP10: Support for local business

Policy PNP10 outline the criteria for employment development proposed within the Parish. However no specific sites are identified for employment development within the Neighbourhood Plan.

We would comment on any proposals for employment developments of 0.5ha or more as part of the planning application process.

Therefore for the above reasons Anglian Water has no comments relating to the content of Neighbourhood Plan.


Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6359

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: Cala Homes (North Homes Counties) Ltd

Agent: DLA Town Planning

Representation Summary:

Policy needs to be clear that it only relates to new sites and not existing allocated or committed sites. Additional wording is required to clarify the application of this policy to avoid any confusion.

The evidence base for the policy approach to housing mix is a comparison of the dwelling stock with Hertfordshire and England. The housing stock is comparable with other Category A villages - seeking to replicate a countywide or nationwide average in Pirton may not necessarily improve the housing market.

Full text:

See attached


Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6371

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
the inclusion of a 30 dwelling limit for development appears to be arbitrary with insufficient evidence to justify its inclusion; and
the relationship of the policy with Policy CGB2 in the emerging North Hertfordshire Local Plan.

Full text:

See attached



Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6382

Received: 20/03/2017

Respondent: Ms Helen Springer

Representation Summary:

I fully support the Pirton Neighbourhood plan.

In particular the building of more bungalows which are in great demand.

Full text:

I fully support the Pirton Neighbourhood plan.

In particular the building of more bungalows which are in great demand.


Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6383

Received: 20/03/2017

Respondent: Mr Mark R Hobbs

Representation Summary:

Agree with the findings of the survey that the community has a preference for small developments.

Full text:

I would like to offer my support of the Pirton Neighbourhood Plan. In particular, p.23 of the document headed 'Community Feedback' is of particular importance as the findings of the survey conducted are generally summarised as showing the community having 'a preference for small developments over the lifetime of the plan, providing adequate infrastructure is in place'.

To quantify this the plan document states that 46% of the community want fewer than 10 dwellings to be built at any one time, and 24% between 10-25.

Given that the Cala Homes proposal does not consider, nor provide for adequate and improved village access and infrastructure during its development or beyond, I would vote for the addition of fewer than 10 dwellings at the Elm Tree Farm/ Holwell corner development.


Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6384

Received: 22/03/2017

Respondent: Mr Philip Cook

Representation Summary:

The cap of 30 houses on any individual site is illogical and can only be seen as a way of reducing new houses in the future.

Full text:

* There has been no meaningful dialogue with landowners during the creation of the NDP. The calling of a meeting in July 2016 was a "tick the box exercise" as only short notice was given (2 weeks maximum) and that was the harvest / school holiday period. It was made clear it was not to hear our opinion but to tell us what they wanted. The plan was not open to amendment. To suggest in the Basic Conditions Statement, Page 2 "Building on the open nature of the steering group meetings, it is important to confirm that all decisions made within the Plan have been informed by significant community consultation and stakeholder engagement including engagement with strategic landowners or promoters". In my opinion this basically not true.

* No updates or correspondence has been forthcoming.

* The creation of Visual Character Areas round the village is an attempt to put up a barrier to build houses in those locations. At no time has representatives of the PPC nor steering group had discussions with those who own these sites to ascertain any agreement.

* The cap of 30 houses on any individual site is illogical and can only be seen as a way of reducing new houses in the future.

* I am along with owners of substantial parcels of land in the Pirton Parish disappointed that our views have not been sought on any aspects of the Plan over which we have a lot of experience.


Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6387

Received: 13/03/2017

Respondent: Stratton Estates Ltd

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
the proposed village boundary is unduly restrictive;
village boundary should include Shillington Road and Priors Hill to the north-west; and
the 30 unit housing cap is arbitrary and illogical and should be removed.

Full text:

I would wish to make a representation in relation to the Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan (PNDP) and I contend that through the adoption of certain policies Pirton Parish Council has failed to meet the basic conditions for Neighbourhood Plans and other legal requirements.

Whilst I understand that the Examiner may wish to hold a public hearing, I confirm that I shall be prepared to submit further written representations if required by the Examiner. Would North Herts District Council please accept
this initial representation to include a request that I should be notified regarding North Hertfordshire District Council's decision under Regulation 19 (making a plan) to make the submitted neighbourhood plan for Pirton.

James F Sheridan FRICS and my company, Stratton Estates Ltd, have been retained by the estate and beneficiaries of the late Jonathan Weeden. In particular my instructions have been to promote the development of land opposite Rectory Manor Farm on Shillington Road, Pirton, extending to approx. 7.23 acres (2.924 hectares) known as site 064(N) or more recently PT1(N) by NHDC, and with title no XXXXX.

On behalf of the beneficiaries I wrote to Stephen Smith, clerk to Pirton Parish Council, on 4th February 2015 and stated that we wanted to make development representations under the proposed Pirton Neighbourhood Plan for the
Shillington Road land - no reply was received and no literature on the plan process was ever sent to me. I attended a public meeting on the draft plan on 19 April 2016 and in response to a question from a local landowner, Mr Phil Cooke, as to why landowners had not been consulted on the plan, the Chair of the Pirton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, Diane Burleigh, said that the Group had decided not to talk to owners and they were not interested in site allocations at all. I completed a response form which was posted on 13th May 2016 which pointed out that the Draft Plan claimed to support appropriate sustainable development, but the steering committee were refusing any contact with local landowners. With a plan period up to 2031 I believe this intransigence invalidates the whole PNDP process. A hastily arranged meeting for landowners was called at short notice by Diane Burleigh for 19 July 2016, but I do not believe this late effort at a token consultation was sufficient. Indeed it is not clear if the meeting ever took place or, if it did, who attended. Copy correspondence in relation to the above is available for the Examiner.

I request that the attached submission for Shillington Road by Vincent and Gorbing for the draft NHDC Local Plan should be considered as a future development opportunity in Pirton in relation to the PNDP and over the plan period of the PNDP. The lack of any consideration of possible site allocations in the PNDP is a serious weakness which I believe should be addressed by the Examiner.

May I also make the following detailed comments:

TCPA 1990 Schedule 4b para 4,para 6(2)(d) and NP (General) Regs 2012 Regulations 14 and 15(2)(a) - in view of what I have stated the qualifying body has not complied with the requirements regarding the scope of pre-submission consultation.

PCPA 2004 2004 Section 38A(2) - the PNDP is overly restrictive and does not set out policies in relation to the realistic development and use of land in the neighbourhood area. No sites are allocated for any housing development
even though Pirton is a Category A village (suitable for housing expansion) and not in the Green Belt.. There is a significant shortage of suitable, non Green Belt, housing sites in the North Herts District Council area. (Plan ref. 1.4.1 to 1.4.4)

PNP1 - the proposed (but not finalised) village development boundary is unduly restricting and should naturally extend to Shillington Road and Priors Hill to the north west. (Plan ref.1.1)
The 30 unit housing cap is arbitrary and illogical as it has no connection to the size of a site. It should be removed. (Plan ref.1.2)

PNP7 - Key views and vistas (and visual character areas) are restrictive and artificial and are designed to prevent any development. The impact of new developments on views should be assessed on an individual basis.

One of the most important of the criteria for a neighbourhood plan is: How the plan contributes to the achievement of sustainable development . The PNDP fails to achieve this goal and it does not support a strong. vibrant and healthy community, by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future generations.

I look forward to hearing the views of the Examiner and on behalf of my clients I propose that the PNDP should be deemed unacceptable in its present form.



Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6390

Received: 20/03/2017

Respondent: F and P Property Management

Agent: Rapleys LLP

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
policy should support development on sites adjacent to the village boundary;
no evidence to inform the threshold given in the policy;
policy should recognise that not all sites will be able to deliver specific provision for families and downsizers;
in terms of affordable housing, the policy should recognise that viability must be considered on a site by site basis;
criterion 6 is unnecessary and would be impossible to enforce;
criterion relating to construction plans should be deleted; and
criterion 8 is not necessary and should be deleted.

Detailed wording changes are suggested.

Full text:

See attached



Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6393

Received: 14/03/2017

Respondent: Woolf Bond Planning

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
The limit of 30 dwellings on any one site is an arbitrary limit without any planning policy justification;
is in conflict with national and local policy; and
will undermine the delivery of affordable housing and homes for downsizers in the area.

Full text:

See attached



Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6399

Received: 22/03/2017

Respondent: Gladman Developments Limited

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
the thirty dwelling restriction is unjustified due to the lack of sound evidence;
policy does not accord with the positive approach for sustainable development required by the NPPF;
the requirement that all development proposals include self build plots unless full justification is provided; and
the inclusion of a defined, overly restrictive settlement boundary.

Full text:

See attached



Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6413

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: Mr Wilfred Aspinall

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
the cap of 30 dwellings on a site is illogical;
the Visual Character Areas deter house developments and should be deleted from the neighbourhood plan;
there is no strategy for attracting young families into the village or for providing accommodation for downsizers; and
policy should be recommending sites for development.

Full text:

See attached
