
Proposed Main Modifications

Representation ID: 7662

Received: 11/04/2019

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Mark and Lisa Wallman

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See attached

Full text:

We strongly object to the decision to include LG10 Former Norton School Playing Field (Croft Lane) (MM304) in the local plan and the modifications regarding it not being required for recreational usage.

● In the Local Plan modification report it was indicated that LG10's previous usage as a playing field was no longer required as there were other available sites in the town. However the detail of these additional sites was not specified in the modifications. We would like to be informed of these additional sites, as if they require residents to drive to them from Norton area this goes against the vision to reduce traffic across the town.
● Sport England have objected to LG10 as there is no up to date assessment of the playing field requirements in North Herts, so therefore it cannot be stated that there are a surplus. The development of LG10 could fulfil a necessary community need and the loss of this site would be contrary to Sport England playing field property and government planning policy - para 74 of NPFF.
● The village of Norton and surround is already set to lose a significant chunk of the beautiful Greenway, so the removal of the green space on LG10 is concerning. The attached aerial shot shows just how hemmed in the beautiful conservation area around Croft Lane is going to be, once all this proposed building takes place.
● We'd like to remind the decision makers at HCC that Letchworth Garden City was designed around the concept of green space, sustainable living and an alternative to the cramped conditions of London.
● Office of National Statistics has downgraded its forecast for new homes from 300k to 159k between now and 2040. And a local need reduction from 13k to 9k. When other councils are already reforecasting based on the ONS figures, why has the North Herts plan remained unchanged?
● Related to the above point, HCC have increased the amount of houses proposed on LG10 from the local plan amount of 37. We have no idea how many houses will end up on LG10 if it gets swept in at outline planning. We could very well be in a situation whereby we have a surplus of housing if the developments go ahead and the need has reduced. We damage our conservation area beyond repair and we lose much needed community space.
● Norton Road is very congested already so the proposals for LG4 and LG10 will result in an additional 90 houses (so potentially 180 additional cars) feeding onto Norton Road.
● The Croft Lane access onto Norton Road is hazardous as it is metres away from the also congested Green Lane. Traffic on Green Lane regularly tails back to the industrial estate and the junction onto Norton Road has unfortunately been the scene of several accidents on a regular basis. This area and road cannot handle any more additional traffic.
● The traffic bollards on Green Lane are knocked down on an almost weekly basis, and the bollards near Cashio Lane have also been knocked down. This is a supposedly safe point for school children to cross from Common Lane to walk to the Grange School and equally for school children crossing from Norton Road/Cashio Lane/Principal Court to get to St Nicholas School. It highlights that this is not a safe road.
● We believe that the land should be returned to its original usage as a playing field.
● This part of Letchworth is very much into sustainability with many residents who have vegetable patches, ponds and a desire to have solar panels. There are many ways that the field could benefit the community.
- The playing fields could be opened up as a Village Green
- To complement the above suggestion and tie in the land to the LGC vision maybe part of the field could be used for:
- Community allotment purposes
- Solar power panels on the land contributing to the national grid.