
Proposed Main Modifications

Representation ID: 7386

Received: 11/04/2019

Respondent: Mr Anthony W Titmarsh

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See attached

Full text:

I would like to add comments to the Modifications.

1. There is currently concern regarding increased traffic pollution. The A1M , between Welwyn and Stevenage, is to have the traffic capacity increased and the plan to build on the eastern side of the motorway may be harmful to the health of any new residents and school children. In addition any extra traffic movements under the local railway bridges will be hazardous.

2. I believe that the plan should be revised with a view to developing all housing on the eastern side of the village, utilising the B197 between Knebworth and Stevenage for the increased traffic movements.

3. EDUCATION. In July 1974 I attended the Inquiry, File No.: APP/2152/A/73/12725 regarding potential development on the eastern side of Gipsy Lane, which subsequently became the Orchard Way development. At the inquiry, in order to reduce the housing density, agreement was reached between the inspector and the developer (ratified by Hertfordshire County Council ) that an area would be set aside for a new school. (Findings of Fact para 23 vi.). Subsequently Hertfordshire County Council overruled the inspector, and in spite of insufficient capacity in the existing primary school, built Bellamy Close, presumably pocketing the proceeds in the process.

I would therefore suggest that any land identified for education should be RING FENCED.