
Pirton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011 - 2031

Representation ID: 6417

Received: 23/03/2017

Respondent: North Herts Council

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 1.4.1
The housing requirement figure given in paragraph 1.4.1 has changed since the publication of the neighbourhood plan. The Proposed Submission version of the Local Plan defines the housing requirement as 14,000 new homes for North Hertfordshire's own needs with a further 1,950 new homes to help meet Luton's own needs.

Paragraph 1.4.3
The SHLAA was updated in 2016 as a supporting evidence study for the Proposed Submission version of the Local Plan.

Paragraph 1.4.6
The latest figure, taken from the 2106 monitoring work for completions and planning permission for additional dwellings in Pirton is 94 homes.

Full text:

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