
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 3525

Received: 28/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Matthew Hart

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
football facilities are already over subscribed; and
new sports facilities needed to accommodate the additional demand.

Full text:

I am writing to you in regards to the lack of sporting facilities in Baldock Hertfordshire. For a number of years I have lived in Baldock and having gone school at Knights Templar and being keen player of all sports its very easy to spot a complete lack of facilities. This is highlighted plain and simply by me and my friends having to venture outside of the town to find somewhere to play sports and with the proposed housing increase and inevitable population rise this issue is going to just get worse. I have also been a player/supporter of Baldock Town Football Club and this issue for me is magnified by the fact that they are forced to play their home games away from Baldock Town which in turn has a massive impact on the club financially and stunts any chance of improvement and growth where as other towns and football clubs don't have this issue as they seem to get more support from the local Councils. This not only has a detrimental effect on the club but for a community it discourages individuals from getting involved in football and sport in general. Having sporting facilities easily accessible to the community is key for children and adults alike as this only aids the drive in decreasing well documented obesity issues across the country.