
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 1930

Received: 23/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Ian Harris

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objection to Knebworth:
- access: village with many heritage country roads, trunk roads now full
- infrastructure: drains at capacity
- school capacity
- Green Belt - recreation
- Conservation Area
- commuters to London: parking at train station.
- build the houses at the HS2 hubs instead

Full text:

I would like to officially lodge my objection to the proposed developments in Knebworth.
I understand that North Herts have a quota to meet with regards to the building of new housing to support the growing population and I take a pragmatic approach to supporting this need sensibly.
As a professional engineer habitually I think about all the things that would be needed to support a new development and what saddens me the most is all the people taking North Herts for a ride in proposing building at the sites highlighted. Demonstrably they are not suitable for a plethora of reasons some of which follow;
Access...Knebworth is a village, with many heritage country roads. The trunk roads are full now...seriously?
Infrastructure...the drains are already at capacity...what are you proposing, digging up the entire village to put new ones in? (would like to see the legal case rising from inadequate planning on that one!)

Schooling...do the maths...is the proposed school really going to have enough space for all the families that you going to house there...
I find it interesting how North Herts are conveniently forgetting about green belt. When I have kids I would really like them to be able to get on their bikes and ride into the countryside, something I would class as essential.
North Herts have designated chunks of Knebworth as a conservation area. Again, this is being conveniently ignored.
So, where are we to build all these new houses you ask???
Well, all the housing that would be built would be taken up by commuters wanting to get to London as demonstrated by the morning parking situation near the train station.
As it happens the government is going to build HS2 calving a path through the country, with compulsory purchases. Would this not be an obvious time to build the houses at the HS2 hubs?
I would hate to see Knebworth devastated by these proposals that you have put forward and for motivations that are not clear. Please be transparent and publish which individuals and departments will benefit directly from the award of permission to build the housing, as there are no sensible reasons to.