
Sustainability Draft Supplementary Planning Document

Representation ID: 10403

Received: 13/02/2024

Respondent: Mrs Jill Saunders

Representation Summary:

This is is useful summary/reiteration of measures which already apply, for example, for wildlife corridors, biodiversity and protected species. Why, therefore, was development allowed to ignore protected species? See IC2 Burford Grange photographic evidence submitted, of badgers entering site on wildlife corridor. Furthermore, why was development allowed to ignore requirements made by the Planning Inspector in his final report on the Local Plan (Sep 22, MM269), regarding retention of planting at IC2 to maintain integrity of revised Green Belt boundary. So much lost habitat. It's a crying shame.

Full text:

This is is useful summary/reiteration of measures which already apply, for example, for wildlife corridors, biodiversity and protected species. Why, therefore, was development allowed to ignore protected species? See IC2 Burford Grange photographic evidence submitted, of badgers entering site on wildlife corridor. Furthermore, why was development allowed to ignore requirements made by the Planning Inspector in his final report on the Local Plan (Sep 22, MM269), regarding retention of planting at IC2 to maintain integrity of revised Green Belt boundary. So much lost habitat. It's a crying shame.