Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031

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Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031


Representation ID: 10529

Received: 17/06/2024

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

Thank you for consulting us on the Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan.

We have had to prioritise our limited resource and focus on strategic plans where the environmental risks and opportunities are highest. We attach our advice note which sets out our substantive response to Neighbourhood Plan consultations including Strategic Environmental Assessment screening and scoping.

We recognise that Neighbourhood Plans provide a unique opportunity to deliver enhancements to the natural environment at the local level. This advice note sets out the key environmental issues, within our remit, which should be considered. It also references sources of data you can use to check environmental features.

We hope this is helpful as you prepare evidence and the Neighbourhood Plan itself.

See attached Advice Note

Full text:

Thank you for consulting us on the Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan.

We have had to prioritise our limited resource and focus on strategic plans where the environmental risks and opportunities are highest. We attach our advice note which sets out our substantive response to Neighbourhood Plan consultations including Strategic Environmental Assessment screening and scoping.

We recognise that Neighbourhood Plans provide a unique opportunity to deliver enhancements to the natural environment at the local level. This advice note sets out the key environmental issues, within our remit, which should be considered. It also references sources of data you can use to check environmental features.

We hope this is helpful as you prepare evidence and the Neighbourhood Plan itself.

See attached Advice Note

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