Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031

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Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2031


Representation ID: 10497

Received: 22/06/2024

Respondent: Jillian Ward

Representation Summary:

Having read the Neighbourhood Plan for Barkway and Nuthampstead, please remove all mention of my property; Ashgrove. Photographs of the house have been included for which I did not give my permission, nor do I want them in a public document.

Mention is made of the ‘barn at Ashgrove’, it’s a stable not a barn. Please remove it from this document. The weather boarding that is mentioned is rotten and deteriorating, it requires replacement so mention of it is pointless if the building is to be preserved.

In the section of Leisure Facilities land at Burrs Lane is mentioned as Barkway Stud. There are two stable yards at the end of Burrs Lane, one belonging to the Smalley family and the other belongs to my family. Neither of them are a riding school, livery yard, petting zoo or animal sanctuary, ergo not a leisure facility for the village. They are for sole private use of the family that owns each of them. Kindly remove from the document.

I am aghast that Barkway Parish Council made sweeping statements about people’s property, did not seek any permission from owners for inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan, and took hearsay in the village as gospel. I do not want my property mentioned or photographs of anything I own in this document.

Full text:

Having read the Neighbourhood Plan for Barkway and Nuthampstead, please remove all mention of my property; Ashgrove. Photographs of the house have been included for which I did not give my permission, nor do I want them in a public document.

Mention is made of the ‘barn at Ashgrove’, it’s a stable not a barn. Please remove it from this document. The weather boarding that is mentioned is rotten and deteriorating, it requires replacement so mention of it is pointless if the building is to be preserved.

In the section of Leisure Facilities land at Burrs Lane is mentioned as Barkway Stud. There are two stable yards at the end of Burrs Lane, one belonging to the Smalley family and the other belongs to my family. Neither of them are a riding school, livery yard, petting zoo or animal sanctuary, ergo not a leisure facility for the village. They are for sole private use of the family that owns each of them. Kindly remove from the document.

I am aghast that Barkway Parish Council made sweeping statements about people’s property, did not seek any permission from owners for inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan, and took hearsay in the village as gospel. I do not want my property mentioned or photographs of anything I own in this document.

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