Charlton – Application to designate a Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Planning Area – 2021

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Charlton – Application to designate a Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Planning Area – 2021

Charlton Society – Application to designate a neighbourhood planning forum and neighbourhood planning area – May 2021

Representation ID: 8771

Received: 11/06/2021

Respondent: The Coal Authority

Representation Summary:

Thank you for your email below regarding the Application for a Neighbourhood Planning Forum and Neighbourhood Planning Area Designation: Charlton (part of the unparished area of Hitchin).

The Coal Authority is only a statutory consultee for coalfield Local Authorities. As North Hertfordshire District Council is outside the coalfield, there is no requirement for you to consult us and/or notify us of any emerging neighbourhood plans.

Full text:

Thank you for your email below regarding the Application for a Neighbourhood Planning Forum and Neighbourhood Planning Area Designation: Charlton (part of the unparished area of Hitchin).

The Coal Authority is only a statutory consultee for coalfield Local Authorities. As North Hertfordshire District Council is outside the coalfield, there is no requirement for you to consult us and/or notify us of any emerging neighbourhood plans.

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