Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document
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Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document
1. Introduction
Representation ID: 8427
Received: 17/03/2020
Respondent: Hertfordshire Constabulary - Architectural Liaison
1.9.1 …..Hertfordshire County Council, the NHS, The Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire, and local Parish….
The PCC is the only other body able to seek a precept from the Council Tax. The reason for this is the cost and coverage of the service. The role of the PCC’s activities are fundamental to the well – being of communities. It is essential that developers realise that additional development comes at a cost, which may be significant. By not making reference to the PCC in this paragraph, the ability to recover necessary costs through developer contributions, may be open to legal challenge.
Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document
2. Process, Procedure & Management
Representation ID: 8444
Received: 17/03/2020
Respondent: Hertfordshire Constabulary - Architectural Liaison
2.1.3 ….This may include, but is not limited to, discussions with: Registered Providers, Hertfordshire County Council, the PCC on behalf of Hertfordshire Constabulary, utility providers and the NHS.
It is important that the police service is specifically mentioned. The PCC operates a significant budget on behalf of Hertfordshire communities, involving both direct
operational police infrastructure as required by the Chief Constable; and indirect services with other providers working on crime prevention, victim support, and restorative justice. 2.1.3 does not reasonably reflect the scale of Hertfordshire work for which the PCC is responsible.
Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document
3. Economy and Town Centres
Representation ID: 8445
Received: 17/03/2020
Respondent: Hertfordshire Constabulary - Architectural Liaison
3.3.6 …. The Council may seek contributions towards the ongoing maintenance of any public realm improvements to be provided, and where assessed, additional policing to ensure the security of the public realm.
The work of regeneration is wholly supported by the PCC as part of the process of helping communities to become sustainable and safe places for all. The creation of a safe public realm does, however, create the need for adequate additional policing. Because of the need to build these costs into any viability appraisal it is considered that specific reference should be made to the need for developer contribution to cover these costs.
Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document
7. Healthy Communities
Representation ID: 8446
Received: 17/03/2020
Respondent: Hertfordshire Constabulary - Architectural Liaison
7.9.6 {NEW} Police services are provided through the Office of The Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire and contribute to the overall well – being of local communities. Police infrastructure comprises fixed property and technology assets; and human resources, which includes Local Community Policing, victim support, and crime reduction initiatives such as use of CCTV. These can arise either locally, or as a result of cross – boundary considerations where scale and efficiency of operation require policing facilities to be located outwith the boundaries of the local authority.
The Council will therefore require development, where required and appropriate, to contribute towards the delivery of policing infrastructure to serve new developments and mitigate against their impact upon existing police resources. - To assist with the proper design of new communities, and in addition to the wider range of policing infrastructure, HC are able to advise on design. This is in line with Local Plan Policy D1 Sustainable Design, and applicants should demonstrate that opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour have been designed-out. Hertfordshire Constabulary will be consulted on planning applications where it is considered that there may be an impact in terms of community safety.