Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan

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Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan

Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Application Letter

Representation ID: 6434

Received: 26/06/2017

Respondent: Hertfordshire County Council - Spatial Planning and Economy Unit Minerals and Waste Team

Representation Summary:

No comment on the proposed neighbourhood planning area.

Other comments are made which need to be considered as part of the neighbourhood planning process.

Full text:

I am writing in response to your letter regarding Bygrave Parish Council's application for the designation of a Neighbourhood Plan Area for the Parishes of Bygrave and Clothall and the administrative area of Baldock.
The Waste Site Allocations Development Plan document identifies a number of Employment Land Areas of Search (ELAS). It is considered that ELAS that are predominantly used for general industry (B2) and storage and distribution (B8) are compatible with waste management uses.
The District Council should be mindful that the proposed Neighbourhood Plan Area coincides with two of the council's proposed waste site designations as identified in the Waste Site Allocations Development Plan document.
ELAS201 is located in the Neighbourhood Plan Area designation, on the edge of Baldock, adjacent to Cambridge Mainline Railway. At present there are no waste management facilities operating within the designated area.
ELAS026 is situated adjacent to the Neighbourhood Plan Area designation, located in Letchworth Garden City, adjacent to the B658 Baldock Road. The designated area contains one Household Waste Recycling Centre, which is accessed off Blackhorse Road as well as a Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Treatment facility.
Both ELAS201 and ELAS026 are currently identified as employment areas in the adopted North Herts District Local Plan and both sites have potential for future waste uses.
To view Hertfordshire's Waste Site Allocations Development Plan document and to find out more information on Employment Land Areas of Search, please follow the link below:
In terms of Minerals, the District Council should be mindful that there is a small area in the southern part of the Neighbourhood Plan Area designation, located in the Clothall Parish, which is covered by a Mineral Consultation Area.
Mineral Consultation Areas are defined as geographical areas that include deposits of minerals that are at great risk from future sterilization by built development. It should be noted that any planning applications submitted to District/Borough Councils, that propose non-mineral development in Minerals Consultation Areas, may not be determined until the county council has had the opportunity to comment on whether the development may unacceptably sterilize the mineral resources.
To find out more information on the Mineral Consultation Areas please view the Mineral Consultation Areas Supplementary Planning Document by following the link below:
It should be noted, when the Parish Council develops its vision and objectives for shaping development and growth within the neighbourhood, that minerals and waste matters will need to be taken into account as Minerals and Waste Local Plans form part of the Development Plan. New development and growth of an area results in the generation of waste and this will be an important aspect needing consideration in due course.
The county council would like to be consulted at future stages in the production of the Neighbourhood Plan.

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