Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan

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Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan

Knebworth Neighbourhood Plan Application Letter

Representation ID: 65

Received: 21/05/2016

Respondent: Mr W John Trotman

Representation Summary:

Comments on the Local Plan proposals west of the village, and east side of the village.

Full text:

Thank you for letter on subject, please find my comments as follows;
It is not clear whether the subject Plan should be based on the NHDC Local Plan which proposes development on two sites on the West of the village, but none on the East side of Knebworth.
The NHDC Local Plan proposals have been vigourisly opposed by Knebworth residents and we await the final proposals from NHDC.
However, recognising the need or more housing, I think a better balance of sites on both sides of Knebworth is needed and that both the Watton Road/East of Recreation ground and Old Lane sites should in the Neighbourhood Plan.
Good planning should involve the principle that people should be able to walk to the village centre within a radius of 400 metres - development on the East of the village would be compatible.
If our Green Belt is to be developed there must be strict controls on building architecture, protection of wildlife and green spaces, in order for Knebworth to retain it's village character and not change into a small town with a hard ur an look.

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