Policy SP8: Housing

Showing comments and forms 241 to 270 of 830


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2931

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Linda Anderson

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2933

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Adam Weston

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2934

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: P Moss

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2938

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: C Ainsworth

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2940

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: R Ainsworth

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2944

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Scott Holmes

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2946

Received: 25/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Trevor Plummek

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2948

Received: 08/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs B Whitehead

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP8: Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attachment



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2953

Received: 18/11/2016

Respondent: Miss Catherine A Smith

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP8: Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attachment



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2955

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Gemma Shadbolt

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2956

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr J W Miller

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2957

Received: 17/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs V H Smith

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP8: Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attachment



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2960

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Martin Loseby

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2961

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Janet Selfe

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I wish to strongly disagree with the proposed plan to build on "Green Belt" land bordering east Luton.

Why is a plan being put forward, being considered to build on Green Belt land at all? Land is classified as Green Belt for very good reasons and I can see no "good" reason to change the status of the land east of Luton. The country relies on us all abiding by the rules and regulations that have been agreed/passed by government and the people of this land so why is the current status under consideration?

There is no doubt that more homes are required in this country but care must be taken on where new homes are built so as to preserve a balance for all of the community.

I understand that there are numerous "Brown Field" sites within the Luton area that may better meet the development requirements and I hope that these will be fully considered before the irrevocable step is taken to permanently change the status of this very cherished plot of "Green Belt" land.

As a life long resident of Luton, I wish to participate in the Examination Stages for NHDC Local Plan 2011-2030, and wish to change parts of the Plan.

I ask you to please consider my objection as you carry out your review.



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2964

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Keith Price

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

See attached



Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2965

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Jennifer Da Silva

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
site has been added at a late stage in the Local Plan process;
number of houses is too large; and
detrimental affect on the countryside.

Full text:

I am writing to lodge my objections to the proposed inclusion of SP2 as a possible site for housing in the village of Whitwell.

Chapter 4, Policy SP8: The site SP2 has been added at a very late stage and the number of houses proposed is too great for the site and village to the detriment of the open countryside, therefore it should be removed from the local plan.

Chapter 4, Policy SP2: The evidence used to identify Whitwell as sustainable village is flawed. The primary school is not large enough to accommodate the possible increase in population, no secondary school (places at local secondary schools is at a premium), one shop, public transport is already inadequate therefore totally inadequate for a great influx of residents.

Chapter 4, Policy SP2: Whitwell High Street, which is narrow, is within a conservation area with the majority of residents having alternative but to park their vehicles on the street reducing the majority of the road to single land. This causes problems with traffic with many hold-ups at all times of the day due to the volume of through traffic added to village resident traffic. In addition, Whitwell is accessed by narrow lanes which in places is reduced to single lane with occasional passing places.

Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2: The NHDC approach is not sound as there is no need for SP2 to meet housing need. It does not comply with NPPF as no consideration has been taken of the very high flood risk; the proposed number of houses will only exacerbate this very real threat by concreting over more land. The area last flooded about two years ago with several home badly affected. This risk is known and identified as high risk in the Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. The NPPF states that development should be steered to areas with the lowest chance of flooding.

Chapter 13, Site Allocation SP2: The proposed development is not in a sustainable location and will depend on private transport for most travel adding to the traffic problem through and out of the village.
On 25 August 2016, the NHDC Planning Committee determined that required sustainable drainage (SUDS) would have an unacceptable impact on the site and he application was refused. Alternative solutions will require underground tanks and pumps which are not sustainable.

Objection to the allocation of SP2 for housing: The Local Plan Preferred Option allocated the site for Green Belt, this was fully supported by the Parish Council. NHDC has provided no justification for the site to no longer being categorised as Green Belt. Green Belt status is also needed to mitigate for losses elsewhere in the District where additional housing is being provided in more sustainable locations. The submission has not given the Parish Council or villagers the opportunity to be empowered and ignored their wishes to see SP2 to remain Green Belt.

NPPR Requirement to empower local people to shape their surroundings (Paragraph 150): NHDC is well aware of local feeling toward the potential development on this site but appears to be ignoring the objections particularly concerns of the environmental impact together with the high risk of flooding of the site.
Thames Water has stated lack of sewerage capacity.
The Planners have ignored their own Planning Committee who recently REJECTED this site for development.

For the reasons above, I urge that SP2 be removed from the 2011/2031 Local Plan.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2970

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Derek and Cherry Carter

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
100% increase in the size of Little Wymondley is disproportionate to local needs.

Full text:

Policy Sp1 - Sustainable Development in North Herts Building 300 plus houses onto a village of 340 properties is not meeting in a sustainable way the needs of the residents of Wymondley. It brings with it issues of coalescence.
There does not appear to be in place any infrastructure, support plans or funding which would be needed to support a development of this scale.
The council has produced no evidence of exceptional circumstance to build on the Green Belt. They have unused Brownfield sites and non- Greenbelt sites available.
A development of this scale with hard surface run-off, particularly from roadways, will increase the flood risk in Little Wymondley which has a recent history of significant flooding.

Policy Sp 5 - Countryside and Green Belt This supports the principles of the Green Belt. The council has not, we believe, demonstrated or justified removing land from the Green Belt to make it available for building.

Policy Sp 6 - Sustainable Transport
The local area is already prone to gridlock on a daily basis in the rush hour and any minor delay can be the trigger.
The junction in Great Wymondley is identified by the council themselves as a particular problem. It already it has extremely high levels of 'rat running' as the Neighbourhood Plan traffic data confirms.
The local country lanes cannot simply be widened as this would destroy the rural nature of the parish.
The situation is made worse by the inability of the A1M to cope with the volume of traffic, forcing motorists to use alternative routes through the villages.

Policy Sp 8 - Housing
A 100% increase in the size of Little Wymondley housing stock is disproportionate to local needs as confirmed by the Neighbourhood Plan.
Hitchin on the other hand is just being asked to have a 10% increase!

Policy Sp 10 - Healthy Communities
Removing existing Green Belt land seems to be at odds with the policy statement to protect, enhance and create new physical green infrastructure to foster healthy lifestyles.
The levels of airborne pollution on the A602 already regularly exceeds the legal limits at the Air Quality Monitoring Point and is already one of the worst in the county. Additional traffic can only make the situation for the residents.

Policy Sp 11 - Natural Resources and Sustainability There is no budget to address the issue of the collapsed culvert in Stevenage Road which contributes significantly to flooding risk.
The drain clearing programme is ineffective and also adds to the flooding problem.
The SuDs regulation would not cover all aspects of a potential large scale development and hard surface run off would again contribute to potential flooding. The EA flood maps also shows the potential for water run off from the south of Stevenage Road.

Site WY1

The surface water movement through Little Wymondley is a major issue and there is currently no structural plan or adequate financial commitment to address this issue satisfactorily .
Currently surface water runoff from agricultural land to the north of the village and downstream water from Corey's Mill is sufficient to create flooding of properties in Stevenage Road Little Wymondley as has happened historically.
There is not just the problem of surface water runoff from the possible additional building in Little Wymondley but the construction of hundreds of houses in the upstream catchment area on the eastern side of the A1M with its associated runoff.
Additionally plans by Stevenage Borough Council to build an industrial complex directly on the flood plain at Corey's Mill will make the situation even worse.
Downstream at Nine Springs at the bottom of the Wymondley Road a greater flow of water will create a significant additional flood risk to properties bordering the stream culvert.
A practical and funded solution must be found for these problems before any commitment to further building is given the go ahead.

In Conclusion:-
The Wymondley Neighbourhood Plan states the residents' acceptance for housing need but that it must be on a manageable scale.
The Plan also clearly states opposition to building on Green Belt land which provides space between the area's villages and towns thus preventing urban sprawl eliminating the rural nature of a North Hertfordshire.
Clearly the traffic and flooding issues of the area need to be resolved before consideration is given to any substantial house building.
A retrospective approach with the traffic gridlocked and flooded properties in the area is not the way forward.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2989

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Saskia Aalders

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs, a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development / business park / light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
Reuse existing housing rather than just build new.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2991

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Barbara Squires

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP8: Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I write to formally object to the above Local Plan proposal to build new homes in North Hertfordshire, adjacent to Luton, and in the vicinity of Mangrove Green, Cockernhoe, Tea Green, Wandon End, Wigmore, Brick Kiln Lane, Rochford Drive, Copthorne and Putteridgebury, just to meet LUTON'S UNMET NEEDS or to be more precise their desire to extend their boundaries. Luton has adequate sites within their own county boundaries without having to come into North Herts. Green Belt. If they were in such a great need of housing why did they not utilize the Vauxhall site, on which they are currently building, for well over 10 years or more. Why are they building a night club and other buildings instead of housing? These buildings should surely be built on the empty site next to the new hotel and the Parkway Railroad Station across the road from the Vauxhall site which would not be appropriate for housing.

The West of Luton is certainly a much better place to build the homes with promised infrastructure and adjacent roads to the M1, Luton Airport and the Town. The developer promised a large food store, schools and park if given permission to build. It is not of such outstanding natural beauty compared to that of the East Luton. It is much flatter too. Luton should be made to use this land rather than Hertfordshire's.

The roads infrastructure is totally incapable of supporting a massive increase in vehicle movements which will occur daily. Roads into Luton, Luton Airport, and access to the M1, are already gridlocked at critical times of the day, with a knock-on effect to the surrounding area. The increased volume of vehicles moving in and out of the site, cars, heavy lorries would have a devastating impact for the local residents going about their everyday lives. The lanes adjacent to the site, in North Hertfordshire, were designed for "horse and cart", and are totally unsuitable for the proposed traffic increased numbers. The existing roads are in continuous disrepair. The county currently has difficulty maintaining them so it would find it impossible to cope with even more. Any traffic not needing to go through Luton would undoubtedly go through our North Hertfordshire villages. Some villagers, like those in Breachwood Green, do not have pavements in front of their homes and have to step straight onto the road. Existing traffic tends to travel too fast through the village and any increase in this traffic would compound this health and safety hazard.

I understand that Traffic Survey for this proposal was not carried out to industry standards e.g. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results and thus the underpinning of the proposal were based on a road that doesn't exist and hasn't been proposed.

Add to this the proposed doubling of the flights at Luton airport and the increase traffic and noise that will bring will certainly enhanced the nightmare! Before any additional housing is built, the planners and the public need to be told just how many near misses have occurred around the airport and surrounding area within the last ten years. New housing, as well as established homes, within the vicinity of the airport will be adversely affected by air and noise pollution as the airport continues to expand. Luton airport is planned to grow to 22 million passengers by 2030 which will stretch the road network in Luton and North Hertfordshire to breaking point. On top of this, I understand that even the most recent growth in traffic has not been taken into account in the traffic surveys carried out which leaves them completely inaccurate.

Our beautiful Green Belt land is graded as "of special significant landscape value". It is in line with Government intentions that "settlements shall not coalesce", and provides an important "buffer" between Luton and the much- loved Hertfordshire countryside. What about the wild life? The owls and kites for example and all the small insects, bees, butterflies etc. There are many small wooded areas within the proposed housing site that would be destroyed. We need these trees for oxygen and woodland habitats. The expansion of housing in North Hertfordshire and of Luton Airport is also going to create further stress on the area's natural environment. The Council needs to be looking to place more trees around the East of Luton/North Hertfordshire in order to absorb the pollution sprayed out from the huge increase in vehicular and air traffic. It should not be taking trees, bushes and green land away! There are a huge number of tree preservation orders covering sites LE1, LE2 and LE3, there are a total of 18,381 metres of tree preservation orders (Ref: "4._planning_constraints_matrix.pdf" document at http://www.north-herts.gov.uk/4._planning_constraints_matrix.pdf). This countryside provides a vital social and leisure area, enjoyed by Lutonians, local residents, and visitors from further afield, providing walking, bird watching, cycling, horse riding, and countless other leisure activities, in tranquillity rarely experienced so close to a busy industrial town. Surely, greenbelt cannot be built on to meet unmet needs.

The possibility of 2000+ homes will put an intolerable strain on already overcrowded schools. Despite the promise of a modest primary school, there will still be an insatiable demand for schooling, especially at the already over-subscribed secondary schools. Medical centres, pharmacies, access to hospitals, emergency services, public transport, and policing is already under strain. I understand that the L and D is already growing at 6% per annum without this development. No adequate provision is proposed to ease these. Indeed, we are facing constant "cut-backs" in essential services.

I understand that this area has sites of Archaeological and Historical Significance that Luton and Hertfordshire have not considered.

I believe that there has been a breach of the planning process because the developers haven't consulted the local populous in this application. We have been told that the objections from previous applications do not count against this planning proposal so how can it be right that the planners can use consultations from a previous proposal.

Luton Borough Council should be made to submit a thorough Local Plan that takes account of all the concerns of the residents of North Hertfordshire and East Luton and that the Government as a whole and in particular the pertinent Governmental planning department and its minister should be made aware of our concerns.



I wish to "participate in all examination stages and change parts of the plan". "I object to the NHDC Local Plan 2011-2031. I want to change many parts of this Local Plan. I want to participate in the Examination."


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2993

Received: 30/12/2016

Respondent: Ms Roisin Bolton

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs , a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development / business park / light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
Destroying wildlife and natural habitats


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2994

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Tracey Richardson

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs , a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development / business park / light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
The local area currently supports the population through schools, doctors, roads ,shopping etc. Increasing this by the amount of houses proposed is ridiculous. Not only will greenbelt countryside be lost which is used to support a healthy lifestyle and educate our children but the traffic will increase causing congestion and pollution. Local services will also be under too much pressure. I already have to wait two weeks to get a doctors appointment and the local schools are already oversubscribed.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 2996

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Chris Brown

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs, a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development / business park / light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
It's green belt land and the existing infrastructure will not support this development


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 3222

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Susan Best

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1. Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs , a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2. The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3. In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
The roads and country lanes will never be able to cope with the massive increase in local traffic.

The demand on water and sewerage will cause more flooding.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 3226

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Richard Muller

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs , a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development/business park/light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
This community affected by the planning will be overwhelmed & ultimately destroyed by the increase in traffic & people.

The roads , infrastructure - schools, doctors & shops would be rendered inadequate by the addition of over 2000 people & cars.

The current road system is almost gridlocked at 6.30 am from the bottom of Crawley Green Road up to the airport & motorway.

This plan is unsustainable & utterly impractical when viewed from any & all perspectives.

Sir, I implore you not to grant permission for this plan which would destroy a unique piece of England.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 3230

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Paul Mead

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs, a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development / business park / light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
These villages and communities should not be allowed to vanish and become part of a larger town. Cockernhoe, Tea Green etc should not become Luton.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 3231

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Louise Pitkeathly

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs, a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development/business park/light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
Completely inadequate infrastructure.

Misuse of beautiful green belt.

Plenty of brow fill sites available.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 3240

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Charles Stephens

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs , a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development/business park/light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
There are insufficient infrastructure plans to cope with the already choked roads around the airport and rat runs through the surrounding back roads.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 3241

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Jayne Stephens

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs, a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development/business park/light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
Cockernhoe and Mangrove Green should remain as a village and not become part of a large town. The residents of the villages all enjoy all aspects of village life especially being surrounded by countryside which they use and enjoy.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 3245

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Alex Willis

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs, a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development/business park/light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -

I absolutely object to the proposed building of an additional 2100 homes on the land west of Cockernhoe.

Quite simply this plan is without regard to the already stressed infrastructure, preservation of green belt land, wildlife and village identity. Why do we have to foot Luton's unmet need? How has that actually been quantified?

Rush hour traffic is horrific whichever route I use to exit the village either in the lanes which cannot accommodate traffic travelling in both directions safely and also via the roads towards the airport. With this plan this will only get significantly worse - this is not acceptable for current or future residents. Unless of course there is a future plan for a large access road between Hitchin and Luton closer to the airport which we have been promised there is not....

There has been no clarity on commissioning factors for our already overstretched local public services, where will the proposed additional thousand plus go for schooling, medical care and emergency services? Ultimately it creates a vastly diluted service for existing residents which again is unacceptable and dangerous - what about our human right to accessible health care provision, social care and education?

There are numerous, better suited sites available for development which are not being considered as you are trying to cram the unmet need in here to utilise our resources, saving time and money. This is a short term outlook which will create long term chaos. Additionally it is illegal to build on green belt land. This is attractive, utilised green belt land used not only by the farmers but by the public in their free leisure time. Buffer spaces are simply not comparable.

This is not a solution for the unmet housing need, nor do any of the local population welcome this. The village identity which has been preserved for decades will be lost - is this really necessary?

We as local residents are not being kept well informed or feel that our concerns and objections are being listened to. Surely this has to be the basis of a fair considered consultation. Putting the proposals in a newspaper that is not delivered to any of the residents is preposterous. Additionally we are not fairly represented by our local councillor as he supports this local plan which is not the view of our community. He supports this to remove the Wolf from his door, in doing so puts it firmly on ours. We should be entitled to have our views represented by someone who actually feels the same way.

I strongly oppose these and any other plans to build on the green belt land surrounding Cockernhoe.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Representation ID: 3247

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Kathryn Spelman

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Luton's unmet needs not qualified, sufficient brownfield land in Luton

Full text:

I strongly object to the outline North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011- 2031 especially the sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 which affect the areas of Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green, Tea Green, Copthorne, Rochford Drive, Putteridgebury, Wandon End, Wigmore and Brick kiln Lane, for the following reasons: Please tick all of the issues that concern you (all if necessary!) .The 'New Neighbourhood Planning Infrastructure Bill 2016' states that it supports the Government's ambition to deliver one million new homes, whilst protecting those areas that are valued most, including the Green Belt. This area is Green Belt and the application does not meet the 'Very Special Circumstances' required to build on it as stated in paragraph 80 and 83 of the National Planning Framework and also the House of Commons briefing note on Green Belt. The Green Belt boundaries should not be amended in response to individual planning applications (The National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 83).

There are 205 dwellings in Cockernhoe, Mangrove Green and Tea Green currently. An additional 2100 dwellings will be an increase of 1124%. This development is completely out of proportion to all other developments in the district - these villages and communities will cease to exist.

1.Of these additional dwellings 150 are for North Herts, the remaining 1950 are to meet Luton's supposed unmet needs , a number which hasn't been qualified when challenged.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are backing up over 750 metres at their junctions with Airport Way during the rush hour, without the addition of a further 5000+ vehicles. The roads through the airport are often gridlocked and with the growth of passengers at Luton Airport, currently 12.75 million (2015) with a projected increase year on year to 22 million by 2030 this is set to worsen. Stockingstone and A505 suffer equally.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The traffic Survey carried in 2015 was not done to industry standards i.e. for a month and also the results of this survey showed a negligible or nil effect on local congestion when the results, and thus the underpinning of the proposal, were based on a road that doesn't exist, hasn't been proposed and has been stated by the council that there is no money to develop.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: In the shorter term, the projected airport development/business park/light industry, will attract a further 7,000 employees (ref. LBC). The roads cannot cope with this increase in vehicles.

There is no planned improvement to the already stretched roads/infrastructure: The two country lanes with insufficient passing places which lead out of the site into North Herts are already being used as dangerous rat-runs. This will increase as residents seek to access the M1 via Lilley Bottom and Lilley, and seek to access Hitchin/Stevenage through Offley.

2.The paths and woodlands are used by villagers and people from neighbouring Luton as a leisure area for walking/running/cycling. These will be destroyed despite the national push to encourage people to keep fit.

3.In the presentation of the local plan Councillor Levitt stated that "the development plays a key role in supporting the growth of our economy planning for the right type and number of homes, in the right place to create sustainable communities" How can a development only linking north Herts by two single track lanes be considered as a sustainable community?

4.There is sufficient brown field land in Luton to accommodate 'Luton's Unmet Need' at the same housing density as this proposed development.

5.Teeming wildlife, owl, bats, deer, etc., will be displaced. Wildlife corridors are no substitute

In addition to the above the reason I feel most strongly that this development should not go ahead is -
Luton will swallow up the Hertfordshire village of Cockernhoe... destroying the village 'feel' and community situated on this Green belt land. Investment would be better on the plentiful brownfield sites available to preserve our precious villages.