MM270 - Page 170 Policy IC3 (ED148B)

Showing comments and forms 1 to 4 of 4


Proposed Main Modifications

Representation ID: 7602

Received: 05/03/2019

Respondent: Ickleford Parish Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See attached

Full text:

See Attached



Proposed Main Modifications

Representation ID: 7684

Received: 10/04/2019

Respondent: Mr Tony G Saunders

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See attached

Full text:

I am writing to you in response to the most recent iteration of the North Herts Local Plan.

I wish to protest in the strongest possible terms the continued failure of the Council to accept the flaws in the plan as well as the flawed process that has been followed in its development, as highlighted by Ickleford Parish Council.

Specifically I wish to object to the impact that the inclusion of sites IC1, IC2 and IC3 and their impact on the whole community in Ickleford and the adjacent villages.

The current house building works at Ickleford Manor and in the village centre together with the large number of house to be built at the Bowmans Mill site, will max out the ability of the village to cope with traffic, drainage and schooling. These sites should be recognised by the North Herts Plan and accepted as the villages' contribution to the required housing numbers. The already dreadful traffic on the A600 at peak times will become unsustainable if IC1, IC2 and IC3 go ahead.

In order to preserve Ickleford as a village distinct from the town of Hitchin it is essential that the designated Green Belt serves the purpose for which it is intended. This is particularly important at the southern end of the village where an already narrow belt and the extremely narrow, at this point, Oughtonhead Local Nature Reserve, provide the only separation that that prevents the village being subsumed into Hitchin. There is no justification to overturn the Green Belt status at IC2.

Ickleford Village is an asset to North Herts. The local plan, as currently written, will cause server damage to the village and the surrounding area.

I request that the Council removed sites IC1, IC2 and IC3 from the plan and seeks to preserve the sustainability of the village of Ickleford.


Proposed Main Modifications

Representation ID: 8039

Received: 11/04/2019

Respondent: Hertfordshire County Council - Environment & Infrastructure Department

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See attached representations

Full text:

See Attached



Proposed Main Modifications

Representation ID: 8083

Received: 27/03/2019

Respondent: Five Growth Villages

Agent: Mr Jed Griffiths

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See attached

Full text:

See Attached
